Pack Meetings

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(A/N : Alright, I'm going to go ahead and cast Britt Robertson at Hannah -Molly's like only friend her age, remember her...?- But yeah, so she'll be photographed as Britt...)

Stiles and I find a small picnic table outside and sit down. Class doesn't start for another 15 minutes. He pulls out his calculus book. I groan.

"Do you have to study?" I whine.

"I guess not," He sighs, closing the book.

"Well don't be all pouty about it,"

"Pouty about not studying? Are you serious?"

"Then what was that little sigh, huh?"

"I don't know, I just sighed!" I laugh and kiss his cheek.

He intertwines his fingers with mine and I lay my head on his shoulder as he pulls out his laptop.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

"We've got 13 minutes. School's got wifi. LET'S WATCH TWAIMZ!" he says, handing me an earbud and pulling up his channel. We watch two of his shorter videos until its 4 minutes to class. We go inside and both go to class. It was my first day in advanced, and I found out Hannah had gotten in, too. I find my seat next to Hannah. Our teacher was running late, so we had a couple minutes to talk.

"Molly, I haven't hung out with you ever since you started dating Stiles. You only hang out with him and his friends," she says.

"Hannah, they're my friends, too, and I'm sorry. We could possibly hang out next week?"

"What about this weekend?"

"I can't. I'm going camping with Lydia, Stiles, Malia, Kira, and my brother,"

"God, can you spend one second away from them?"

"You have to realize your not my only friend Hannah!"

"I- I know. I'm sorry, it's just. I'm worried about you, Molly," She says.


"Because. Once you and Stiles break up, your not gonna want to hang around them anymore. And how many friends do you have outside that group?"

"Well, you and ...." I sigh, not being able to think of anymore.

"You know I'm right, Molly," I sigh.

"I'll hang out with you when I'm free, Han. And I want you to get to know Stiles. Cause what do you know him as know?"

"The best friend of the most popular guy in school,"

"Exactly. I want you to see who he actually is,"

"Maybe I could come on that camping trip with you guys!"

"Oh, no. I don't want to sound mean, but you can't. I mean, there's no way your parents would allow you to. We're camping out of state," Which wasn't a lie, we were going out of state ... and out of the country.

"Oh. That sucks. Next weekend then!"

"Yeah. Maybe," I say. Then, Mrs. Lewis walks in and class starts. It wasn't as hard as I thought, but you could tell the difference between advanced and regular classes. At the end of the class, Mrs. Lewis says something interesting.

"For all of you in advanced English, and if you're in economics," which both applied to me "then I recommend you go ahead and take you SAT's this year. You should all do fine," then the bell rings. I walk to my next class. I go through my entire schedule before meeting Stiles at the Jeep. He gathers me in his arms, giving me huge hug. I lay my head on his chest.

"Schools hard," I say. He chuckles a bit.

"Then let's leave," he pulls away and we both climb in the Jeep. He goes through town before getting to my house - which is where the pack meeting was being held. He pulls over and parks in the road, since Lydia's car was parked next to my mom's in the driveway. Scott pulls up and parks his motorcycle behind my mom. We all go in and sit down in the living room with Kira, Malia, and Lydia.

"Alright. We need a plan," Scott says.

"And you're not making it up because your plans suck," Stiles says.

"Fine. What's your genius idea?"

"So Deaton said their like 'lair' is in the back of a club. So we get invited to the club,"

"Okay. You really think they're just gonna let a huge group of kids into the club? And they're hunters we have to sneak up on them," I say.

"So we go in pairs. Scott and Kira. Malia and Lydia. Me and Molly,"

"No. You and Lydia. That way they have something to detect a werewolf, not everyone gets caught," Scott says.

"So you're gonna let Molly and Malia go in alone?"

"Yeah. I'm not going with her," I say, crossing my arms.

"Ooo. She crossed her arms. It just got real," Lydia says. Scott flashes his eyes at me.

"How about now?" He growls.

"Nope. You're not my alpha. You have no effect on me,"

"Then do it to save your alpha," I sigh and put my arms back down at my sides.


"Okay. We duplicate invites to the club. Get a pass to see the Calivera's. And save Derek," Stiles says.

"We gonna die," Lydia says. "This plan is kind of idiotic,"

"But you think the Calivera's are just going to hand over Derek?"

"Of course not. We bring the money from Katashi. We pay them off. We buy Derek back,"

"Okay. But Stiles and I are still alone. The Calivera's will still have guards. Probably guns. And we can't heal," Lydia says

"We'll all be right outside and if you scream - we can come running," Scott says.

"Fine. It's still a stupid plan,"

"Well so are most of our plans," Kira and Malia leave and Lydia and Stiles follow me up to my room. I tell them about the SAT's.

"You might want to start studying, sweetheart. It's in a couple weeks," Lydia says

"Yeah. You two are the smartest people I know. Help me?" I ask. They both nod and get some books out of my bag. They help me through a little bit of Algebra 2 and Geometry before Lydia has to go.

"Bye Lyds!" I call as she walks out the door. Stiles helps me gather all my books up before climbing into my bed. He opens up his arms.

"Stiles..." I whine. "I don't want to fall asleep right now,"

"You don't have to fall asleep,"

"Yeah but I will. Let's just play a game or something,"

"Date night?" He asks.

"Sure. Frozen yogurt?"

"Yas!" He says, getting out of my bed and bolting downstairs. I laugh and follow him.

Sneaking Past Scott - A Stiles StoryWhere stories live. Discover now