Chapter 2

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"No!!" A Spartan in blue armor behind the wall shouted as the armored soldier hit the ground and rolled, coming to an abrupt stop. He jumped and boosted himself over the wall, hitting the ground running. He aimed his sniper rifle and fired along the wall as he ran, taking out the covenant near the man, who was lying on his back with head facing the wall. "Get back here Spartan!" A commander shouted. The Spartan shook his head. He couldn't leave the soldier to die, not like he was.

He jumped forward and hit the ground with his first, throwing a group of grunts back and sending a shockwave outwards. He then took out his rifle, running towards the chief, and firing at the retreating Elites. He slid on the ground next to the soldier and grabbed his arm, pulling it over his shoulder. This guy had armor like a Spartan. Where did he come from? He refocused and threw his rifle over the wall so he could wrap his arm around the apparent Spartan's back. He then started dragging the man over, since he himself was several inches shorter than the odd-looking Spartan.

I have to save him, I won't leave him like they left me. He thought, and pulled him up onto his back further.

He grabbed his pistol from his thigh and shot a suicidal grunt behind him before it could reach them. It exploded and was thrown back into it's own comrades. Turning around, he peppered an elite, and then dropped the pistol too. He dragged the man close to the wall and tried to jump up the wall, using his thrusters on full power. The people on the wall shouted for him to hurry. The Spartan only barely grabbed on with one hand before their weight yanked it out of his grip and he fell. No! He jumped again, with the same results. He tried one last time, and held on this time. The Spartan heard a terrible sound and he cried out in pain as his shoulder dislocated. He dangled, but held on. Bullets ricocheted off the wall below him. The soldiers on the edge rushed towards him and quickly hoisted him and other Spartan up, who he still had his arm wrapped around.

They laid them both on the ground and a medic shoved his way through. He immediately grabbed the Spartan's lower arm with one hand, wasting no time to to treat him.

"This is gonna hurt a lot, bite on this." The medic said, handing him a rag. The medic grabbed his upper arm with the other hand, getting into position. Using his good arm, the spartan took off his helmet and bit into the rag. "Brace yourself." The medic said, and with a pop! pulled it back into place. The spartan let out a muffled groan and bit down on the cloth, squeezing his eyes shut, and opening them as the pain dulled. He put his helmet back on and said, "Check on the other one, I'm fine now." The medic nodded and hurried over to the larger spartan who was lying on his back as other medics crowd around. Now that he had time to actually look at the person he saved, he could see that the Spartan armor he wore was severely damaged. Even for a Spartan it was bad. Scratches, scorches, and dents warped the surface. There was a number on his chestplate, but it was covered in dirt and soot. He knelt down as the medic ran over and gently rubbed it off, revealing... 117?!

"Stand back." The medics instructed the soldiers. The Spartan stood back in disbelief and a hush came over the soldiers nearby as they saw it too. The medic was focused, gently patting him over and looking for broken bones. "2 ribs broken, stressed shoulder, that needle needs taken out." The medic said to the others. One quickly took out a biofoam container and pulled the needle out, filling the hole quickly with biofoam.


Chief felt a sharp pain bring him back into consciousness. He opened his eyes, his suit slowly coming online. He knew the needle had been taken out and how HUD informed him that his shoulder had apparently been stress fractured. A ligament in his left knee was torn as well and he had suffered a mild concussion. He knew better than to sit up so Chief turned his head to let them know he was awake completely, because even though he had reacted to the pulling of the needle out of his shoulder it could have been a reflex.

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