Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Guys, I'm so glad you could make it! Ladies, you are looking.. HOT!" Hym beamed and pointed in the direction of the party. A couple of giggling human girls shoved past us, each of them winking at Hym. He's put on his wolf charm, not that he really needed it.

"Oi, dog! Don't you be eyeing up my sister," Leo joked jabbing Hym's shoulder. "And Ania's all mi.. uh let's just get some drinks!" He stared at me obviously trying to see how much I heard before disappearing into the crowd. I fought my way through the same mass of people, hoping to catch up to him so I could ask him to finish that sentence.

"Leo?" I push my way through, shouting him mentally and verbally. I need to find out what he meant because the thought of him wanting me like that, does make my heart stop literally. Someone hands me a drink of something alcoholic, vodka and coke I think. I drink it all in one gulp, receiving some gasps from the humans amongst the crowd. I smile my classic vampire grin and carry on searching for the other Persh twin.

"Leo?" I shout only mentally this time. No answer. I'm going to kill him, again. More people hand me drinks just for me to repeat the previous episode of downing them and still standing. This is going to be a long weekend party unless Hym orders some better drinks. Surely, this rubbish doesn't affect him either.

Evelin and Tobias are still stood awkwardly at the entrance to the house. I don't know what's up with Evelin, normally she's the party animal. I glance over their joined hands and immediately see the problem. Me.

"Ev, go have fun, be together! I insist," I told her. "I have your brother to keep me entertained, when I find him!" I winked at them both and looked from their hands to their faces. Evelin let out the breath she was holding and beamed at me. I shook my head, smiling at my bestfriend and brother.


I give up searching for Leo. He obviously doesn't want to be found. I'm just going to enjoy the party for now. It is of course a three-day event so I have plenty of time. The music being played is some modern beat, I have had centuries of music and I still hate most of it. I must admit though that this new age music is good to dance to, especially in this floaty silver dress of Evelin.

"I hope your here alone.." I unconsciously read the thoughts of someone on the dancefloor. I had become so lost in the music that I let my senses down and didn't even notice the extremely attractive male in front of me. He slouched against the wall, wearing a black, leather jacket and dark skinny jeans. He may be hot, but he's still a threat.

I smile sweetly at him and make a grab for his hand. He pulls away, a smirk on his face and he blows me a kiss. 'Jerk!' I mentally abuse him, even though I know he can't hear me. Plan B is in action. I wink at him and walk off, heading towards the empty balcony and like a good little dog he follows.

"Hi, I'm Ania.." I whisper in his ear. The smirk hasn't moved from his face and if I was human, I'd be quite scared by now. I just hope his intentions are as bad as I think because I don't fancy draining an honest man. I won't kill him, just maybe comatose him for a while. He's a danger to the other girls here.

He hands me a drink of what looks like punch. I take a sip and just as I thought, a hint of daterape drug. My body will be able to store that, could be useful in the future. Now comes my problem, do I pretend to be affected, or do I just beat him now?

"Hym? It's me, Ania. I know, I know, I'm in your head but I have a problem. I've just been given a drugged drink by some guy. I'm here with him now on the balcony. Come save him?" I send to the host. Much as I'd like to kill this human, I really shouldn't. It's against the rules and I could face a punishment of death from the Elders.

A few minutes later, a rather flushed face wolf appeared beside me. He smiled at me then frowned at the human leaned against the railing. He seemed to be fighting with his own mind when he turned around and whispered something too quiet for humans to hear.

"That's Jerome. My brother."

"Your brother, but he's not.." I whispered back.

"I know. I didn't turn wolf on my 16th birthday. You can stop the hushed talk now." The human sighed. I admit I feel a little sorry for Jerome, I couldn't imagine having a powerful bloodline all for it to miss me. So I did something, very un-vampire and very un-Ania. I hugged him. "Uhh.." He grumbled stiffly. I pat him gently on the head, causing him to growl against my shoulder.

"Oh.. So you can growl? That must be frustrating!" I let go of him and stare deep into his eyes. There is a sign of wolf activity there, I bet Hym can feel it too. Why doesn't he help him? Well whatever his reason is, it's his family's business so I'm not going to stick my nose in.

"Word of advice here Jerome. Don't spike a vampire's drink." I smile at him, showing my fangs causing him to gasp and step back in fear. I laugh loudly and hear Hym laughing too before I disappear back into the party room.


"Hey guys!" I wave to Evelin and Tobias. They wave back and head over to me. Evelin has a random piece of tinsel tied around her head and Tobias has a tinsel belt.

"What's with the tinsel?" I question laughing. Evelin stares at me as if I am crazy but it dawns on her and she laughs. She mouthes something along the lines of 'It doesn't matter.' So I let it go and pulled my friends onto the floor to dance.

"Where's Leo?" Evelin asks me. I shrug my shoulders, still dancing with my dark hair bouncing along the neck of my dress. She copies my action and nods continuing to dance. Only just now have I noticed just how pretty Evelin is, and how good a match her and Tobias would be. Her blonde hair compliments his black and they both seem to mould into each other perfectly.

My thoughts are cut short as someone hugs me from behind. I sense exactly who it is and pull him tighter round my waist. He chuckles slightly, his warm breath tickling my ear. Leo. My heart skips a beat when I see him. Now I'm confused, who am I really in love with? Leo or Tobias?


-Viktor POV-

"I'm so sorry, Sir, for my daughter's actions. I honestly didn't expect it from her. She's been vampire for over 300 years now and she's never gone against the rules before. Just so we're clear, Iona, my wife, and our two other children, Ania and Tobias, have nothing to do with it." I struggled to speak. My throat seemed to have become blocked since it was my turn to speak. I presented my case quickly and as painless as it could be.

Yegor Danne was a little taken back by my asking for the Council's involvement and help but what else could of been done? Should I have just left my youngest daughter to brutally murder humans in broad daylight?

"Can I add Sir? That my family too are innocent. That's Caterina, Dina and Julius Danne. I don't want them involved in any way, Sir." Yegor stuttered still in shock.

The Council doesn't take its time in arriving. We are still at my house, in my study. As soon as the Buckley family book opened then the Council arrived. I don't think Yegor has ever used his book except as a coaster maybe. We might finally have earned some respect from him.

"So, if we're all in agreement. Buckley? Danne? Okay well that's sorted then. Miss Ophelia Buckley will be exterminated upon capture." The head of the Elders Council banged his gavel on the desk whilst I hung my head in shame. I've just murdered my daughter.



Okay:D So I uploaded, proud of me?:-P My life has been a blur for the past week or so haha! Parties and late nights.. not good for my health but who cares about that? hehe(a) Rights now I would like 5 more votes then I'll upload *evil face* well not really, i have some kind fans out there im sure..:D

Love you, guys! Have some cake, read my chapter, enjoy your day:D

Keeping SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora