Keeping Secrets: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(3 Days Later)

"Are you sure about this Ania?" Viktor had a pained expression as he spoke. He had raised me for a long time and I knew he didn't want me to leave. It felt good to tell my family the truth about my soulmate and most of them understood why I did it. Tobias was a little shaky when I told him I'd be leaving but at least for part of the journey he'll be coming with me.

I took one last look at my beautiful home and family and nodded my head. A suitcase was handed to me and I knew this was the cue to leave before they begged us to stay. Ophelia still hadn't returned from her strop so we couldn't even say goodbye! Iona had made sure that I wrote a letter for her to read when she finally got over it, to explain my reasons for leaving.

My father pulled my mother into a tight side-hug and I could hear his thoughts to her. I smiled at him gently to tell him I heard and he returned the smile before sending us both a goodbye message. "Goodbye, I love you all." I said silently making my mother sob gently.


"So, where now?" Tobias smirked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and pointed towards the docks where there would hopefully be a ferry scheduled to cross to the main land. He groaned as I felt a sharp scream inside his head. I had forgotten how badly he was on boats and how after last time he had vowed never to sail again. I smiled at him sympathetically even though I was annoyed about the thoughts he was sending. I swear he forgets I can hear them!

"Well there won't be another ferry for at least an hour, so we may as well talk through some sort of plan for the next couple of years," His voice broke slightly towards the end and i felt my eyes glaze over with tears slightly before blinking them back to avoid crying. We both knew we'd be gone for a long time but it had only just sunk in that it could be years.


"Are you sure you're okay?" I shouted over to Tobias who was standing by the doors and slowing turning a shade of green. He shook his head slightly before widening his eyes and transforming to fly off to the bathroom. I laughed. We had never really had the time to talk and get to know each other. It was always Ophelia and me because of course we are the oldest and we've been through a lot but now I was glad I could spend some time with him.

I smiled to myself before jumping as I felt a cool breath down my neck. "You know it's rude to laugh at other people's misfortunes.." His breath sent a shiver down my spine and I melted into his voice. I knew it was him.

"Tobe," I began, turning to face him. His eyes sparkled a deep shade of purple and he smirked at the colour of mine.

"Ania, Ania, Ania.. If I didn't know any better then I'd have said that you were attracted to me but.." Before he could say anything else I pushed him back playfully but kept eye contact. I wanted him to see my eyes go back to their normal colour. He kept his dark though as he stroked my forearm. I felt fire and burning from his touch but it was causing pleasure not pain. I knew he could feel it too as I brushed my fingers across his face. I could feel into his mind better than anyone elses. It was like there was only me and him in the world.

"Excuse me Miss, this is our last stop."

I jumped and breaking contact, turned to face a small man who was tapping a sign on the wall beside him. I nodded and walked away from him before he could annoy me further. Tobias snarled at the man, making him scurry away with wide, scared eyes.

"We should talk like this from now on." I sent to him and he nodded in response. If we were to survive in this strange, human world then we have to learn to fit in.

"We're searching for our soulmates yet we have no idea how to find them or how we will recognise them!" Tobias thought-yelled at me. A couple who were stood nearby flinched as I swung my bag round in shock.

"There's absolutely no need to shout! Remember this is my power, I can read your thoughts without you sending a message!" I frowned at him as he smirked at me. That smirk would no doubt get us into some form of trouble at some point during our trip. I could feel his fear even though he hid it well as we stepped off the boat. I'm sure he felt mine too because he stretched out his hand to reach mine and squeezed gently causing a multiple of sparks to rush up my arm. I saw a quick glimpse of the darkness of his eyes before they changed back to pastel green.


"Hello, how can I help?" The girl at the counter looked no older than 18 and her voice had a hint of boredom. "She's thinking about her boyfriend." I informed Tobias who didn't reply. He was busy filling in the forms that the girl had passed over. I looked over his shoulder and saw him hovering over the nationality box.

"Uhm.. Well before I was English so British if you like and you were from Wales so you're British too." I said silently. He crossed the boxes and passed the sheets back over the counter. She smiled at us both and gave us a room key. I frowned but took the key from her. Tobias smirked at me and patted my bum slightly as we were walking away.

"Tobias!" I scowled at him outloud. He winked at me then turned back to smile at the girl who was shooting daggers at me. "Tart!" I snorted silently to myself though Tobias obviously heard and sent back "Jealous, are we darling?"

"We need to talk about this." I frowned at him as he spoke. He took my look of confusion as a cue to carry on. "Well, technically we aren't related but for the past 15 years we have been leaving as brother and sister. So for this trip are we going to be brother and sister still or can we change that?" He sounded uncertain about what he was saying.

"The girl at the reception is going to find it a little sick if we carry on with the whole brother and sister act. Thanks to you." I hissed coldly. "So I suppose we can be friends instead." I added changing the tone from angry to cheerful. For the first time since we left the boat we were able to speak outloud.

"Oh, okay." Tobias sighed. I smiled brightly at him and took his hand. We barged into the room to see a small double bed. Tobias grinned at pulled me onto the bed with him and we laid there hand in hand for what seemed like eternity. It was strangely nice.

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