Keeping Secrets: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Five minutes had passed and I realised that I was still staring at Evelin. She was rocking slightly from excitement. I smiled at her and she nearly burst, she jumped up, smoothed her shirt and closed her eyes.

"NO! I don't want to know!" I screamed, "Not yet anyway." A flash of disappointment appeared on her face and she sat back down, though this time closer to me. She looked at me with almost sympathetic eyes and I felt my heart break slightly. Obviously realising this she said quickly, "Oh no I didn't mean, I haven't read it, he's too far away."

I surprised myself by sighing with relief and sat up to study the girl. She must of caught on to my questioning face because she grinned, her eyes twinkling. "I'm 16 years old," she chuckled. "but I've been a vampire for 125 years, what about you?" I stared at her in shock before answering.

"I'm 17 years old and I've been a vampire for well a lot longer than you, uhm, on my last birthday, 316 years." She grinned again. Her grin was annoyingly cute and I'm sure if it was anyone else I'd have snapped at them.

"So you and Tobias are related? Isn't that a little weird? Me and Leo, well we'd never feel.. like that!" She stumbled on her words and I knew what she was getting at. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.

"Me and Tobias, we're not properly related. He's only been a vampire for, uhm, let me think, 41 years. Our family back home on Vahm Island is weird. Our father has been married to our mother for around 200 years now. We have a sister too, Ophelia, she's the same age as me. Wait, who's Leo?" She nodded her head and pulled her legs back up, crossing them. Her plaited hair was between her fingers and becoming more and more unraveled as our conversation went on.

"Leo is my twin brother and he's my creator. You should meet him, he lives in town," She beamed at me. "Ania? Does that mean you've been searching for your soul mate for over 200 years!?" I shook my head, laughing and explained what happened with Julius.

She sat there so engrossed in my story that she didn't even notice that Tobias had returned. He winked at me, causing my heart to melt, making her spin round with a massive smile.

"Stop reading me!" I sent her privately. She laughed causing Tobias to start laughing too. In the end we were all laughing. I stood up, tears streaming down my face and took the bag of animals that he had brought in, calming down whilst my two friends fell into hysterics.


"So if you don't have anything planned, I think you should come with me to my brother's party!" Evelin suggested. She was perched on the desk and staring at us both sat together on the bed. Tobias nodded and stood up, stretching his arms out in front of himself. I also nodded.

"Well don't make it obvious or anything." I told her, making good use of our newly established private line. She smiled at me innocently and mouthed 'so cute.' Unfortunately, Tobias saw and stood hand on hip asking what was up with us lately.

"I.. um.. we.. uhm.." I stuttered. "We were discussing this pair of shoes I have that would be perfect for Ania to wear to Leo's party." Evelin stepped in, washing me with relief. He tutted smiling and put his hands up as if retreating.

"Well I'm out of here if you two are going to be talking clothes and stuff." He started whistling and wandered off out the hotel room.

"I have the perfect dress for you to wear and I'm going to let you keep the cute pair of shoes, I never wear them!" Evelin started. Her voice was sort of soothing and I tried to picture me in this wonderful dress she kept describing. I felt myself drift off into an almost dream state and was woken sharply by Evelin's clicking fingers.

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