Keeping Secrets: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Viktor's POV

"Darn! How have we let this happen!?" I barked slamming my hands onto the desk. My beautiful wife just cowering in the corner, in silence. Angry isn't the word for what I'm feeling right now, which is bad because even the words angry and vampire mixing could cause a catastrophe.

"Sir, may I suggest asking for some help? I'm sure the Dannes, Yegor perhaps would.." I snarled at the wiry professor cutting his little speech short. How dare he suggest I need help fixing a FAMILY problem. We don't need help especially not from our very own lord and highness Dracula.

The Danne family. I hate every single one of them. Julius is a good kid though, he treated Ania alright but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel pleased, saved even, when I found out about their soulmates scam.

"Ania, Tobias, someone has surely warned them already? Wesley, tell me you have contacted them already?" I stumbled over my words, annoyed at forgetting my dear children. The professor, Wesley, grimaced slightly before shaking his head. I snarled again.

"Right then we need to contact them immediately for their own safety? Iona can you do that? Have you fed? Are you strong enough?" My heart racing as I spoke. Her tiny head nodded and I smiled for the first time this evening. "Good lass, I love you!" I whispered to her. She smiled back a tiny glint of hope in her eyes.

"Sir? It's Miss Caterina Danne on the line. She said to tell you that her husband is on his way to offer his services." The tiny maid curtsied then left the room. Her voice still ringing in my ears. Why I built a household telepathic line, I'm not sure, but recently it has caused me more bother than good.


"Yegor! Come in, come in!" I faked a smile to keep the peace. He stepped in over the threshold and smoothed down his coat.

"Right with the matters at hand, I think I am the best solution you have!" He began.

"But Yegor this is my daughter so my problem. I am perfectly capable of fixing this on my own!"

"Have you even thought about your other children? Ania and.. What's his name.. Tobias?"

"Of course I have, their safety is more important that anything at the minute."

Yegor Danne shuffled his way around the desk and slammed the door shut on poor Iona and Professor Wesley.

"Viktor this is not just about your family, this will affect my son too! He left to be with Ania last week."

"Why didn't you tell me? Ania is trying to find her feet now she doesn't need your son pulling them from under her! She doesn't need him anymore!"

"My son needs her! I heard him every night since she left snivelling away to himself! He was ecstatic when she called him and said she needed to see him!"

"Ania called him herself?"

"Yes so don't go blaming my son!"

"I wasn't! Now can we please discuss the matters at hand?"

This time it was my turn to shuffle round the desk. I reached for my family's black book and dropped it onto the wooden surface. Yegor's eyes widened and I knew he didn't expect anything like this from me.

"We need to call the elders and get this sorted once and for all. Shes condemned to death anyway, let's try and hurry up the process of finding her so she doesn't hurt anyone else. Yegor? Are you with me for this?" I felt my heart swell with pride as Mr Danne nodded and seemed to be looking up to me.

((AN: this is short but I needed to get this chapter in I think! Anyway same goes as last time 5 votes by Wednesday, and I'll upload then! This time I will I promise:-P

Oh and I have a quiz if you like:

What do you think is going on in this chapter?

The winner will get a chapter dedicated to them and I'll read their stories if they have some:-)

B :-) ))

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