My Predictions on The Next Gravity Falls episode

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Okay so tonight another episode of Gravity Falls will air. The one I have been waiting for what seemed to be a billion years. Now this is my prediction.

Dipper, Soos, and Wendy walk into the thing that Mabel is locked up in, but they fall right down. Basically everything is happy colors and things that Mabel enjoys. Dipper finds Mabel and he's really happy to see her, but Mabel on the other hand doesn't want to see Dipper. Dipper explains to her that she has to leave, but Mabel refuses because she had the worst birthday ever and she doesn't want summer to end. Then somehow they force her to come, but they have to defeat Bill for the final time.

Gideon returns and is a bit happy to see Mabel, and gets all lovey dovey until Mabel says "ew gross" Then Robby will come and ask Wendy what's going on, and she replies the world is ending and we need to stop it. Robby joins the group along with Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Wendy, and Gideon. Later, Pacifica makes an appearance and she asks Dipper what's going on, but in her mean, snotty, rich girl tone. She later helps then save Gravity Falls and the rest of the world.

Soon McGucket comes with Grunkle Stan and McGucket says, The world is ending!!! And Stan's worried about his brother. He asks Dipper and Dipper explains and Grunkle Stan has a Single tear in his eye. They all team up and go towards Bill and his "friends"

And basically they just defeat them, along with Ford who isn't a bronze stone thing anymore. Yeah.

The end.

Okay that's my prediction. I'm gonna watch it tonight and see if some of my theory is correct. I doubt the whole thing will. Anyways, bye.


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