"I found it a few days ago, and I was waiting for the mother to come back and get it. I realized it had been abandoned, so when it started to storm tonight I got worried and went to go get it." Maria's voice came out in a hushed whisper as the two fawned over the kitten. It was slightly wet, not as wet as Maria, and meowed again as it started to get cold.

"I'll make sure it gets warm and gets some food." Sebastian said, already heading for the kitchen.

"I'll come with." Maria started to follow, but Ciel's voice stopped them in their tracks.

"I did not say that I will allow you to bring this animal into our home!"

Maria gave Sebastian the Go ahead, I'll take care of this look, and he disappeared in a burst of demon speed.

"Sebastian! Get back here!" Ciel called after him.

"Ciel," Maria began, already pleading with him. He directed his attention back to her, and she began the full-blown puppy look.

"It's just one little kitten-"

"And one will turn into 20 in the next two hours! I know you two love animals - well, Sebastian only loves cats - but if I slip up here we will have countless cats running around the place by morning!"

"Please Ciel! I promise it will be only one! Just this one! Did you see how tiny and weak it was! It would probably have died!"

She flipped on the waterworks and a few tears slipped down her face. She could already feel Ciel's resolve weakening.


"Maria, you have to understand. I-I'm allergic to them, remember?"

"But you didn't sneeze once! Maybe becoming a demon has cured you! Please Ciel, just a few days to get it back to its top health and then we can find a new home for it?"

Ciel hesitated. Maria waited. She sniffled a little.

"Fine." He huffed and Maria squealed, launching into him for an excited hug. He was blushing madly as she pulled away saying "thank you thank you thank you" over and over again.

She turned to rush back to the kitten and her love, but Ciel stopped her again.

"Put some bloody dry clothes on first, at least."

Maria blurred up the stairs, a wide smile adorning her face.

She knew they were keeping the kitten.

A few days later

"What shall we name him?" Maria and Sebastian stood side by side, looking fondly down at the sleeping kitten snuggled into a soft mound of blankets.

"You two look like a married couple looking at their child." Ciel scoffed, standing across from them on the other side of the new kitten bed, but he was looking down at the kitten with curiosity too.

Maria spoke up first. "How about we all come up with a name them decide the best one between us?"

Sebastian and Ciel nodded, and the next few minutes were spent thinking of cat names.

"Alright, do we all have a name?"

Sebastian and Ciel nodded again.

"Ciel, yours first."

"Trash." He said without hesitation. Maria rolled her eyes.

"We cannot name a cat Trash."

"Fine. Blackie." Ciel huffed again. He had become quite huffy ever since the kitten had entered the house, naturally.

"Good enough. Sebastian?"

"I was thinking... Voodoo. Or Hades. Or Coal. Or-"

"I was thinking something simple, like Ash or Charcoal." Maria interrupted before Sebastian could launch into an hour long list of cat names, "but Voodoo is a cute name as well."

"You two are disgusting." Ciel started heading for the door. "You know what that cat is? A nightmare." The door slammed as he left the room.

Sebastian and Maria looked at each and said, "Nightmare!" At the same time.

It was decided. The kitten's name would be Nightmare.

First chapter! Yeah! I thought maybe I should start out with a happy chapter before ruining everything with drama mwahaha!

Vote if you liked! :)

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