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I grab Harry's hand and he starts to run. I pause and rip my shoes off in a hurry so I can run after him faster. He's got both of our bags and is dodging people in the hallways to get to wherever he's taking us.

He rushes me into a storage room and locks the door behind us. I watch as he rips the carpet up, revealing a door in the flooring. He punches a code into the small keypad and it pops open. He helps me down the ladder and then shuts the door behind us.

Things my father was also hiding from me: the hidden hallways under the palace.

We reach a door along the hallway that seems to never end and Harry pushes it open, looking around before telling me to go in.

"There's an outfit laid in there. Change as quickly as you can while I wait for Christopher to contact me."

I nod and rush into the room, closing the door behind me. Once I'm standing still and changing, my cheek starts to sting terribly. I touch it and glance at my fingers, shocked to see blood. The glass flying must've cut my skin. I tear a piece of my dress off once it's off and I wipe the blood away so it's not a mess. I rush to get the jeans and shirt on and grab the jacket that's laid out. I open the door and Harry glances at me.

"It was a bomb set by General William. His men are searching everywhere for you, meaning we have to get out of here and fast."

"But how?"

"Trust me," is all he says before he takes my hand and starts running. All I can think is that I'm so thankful that Julia kept me fit.

We run through countless amounts of doorways and hallways until we get to a big steal door. Harry pauses for a minute and hits a button on his watch.

"Is the door clear?"

"Affirmative. Get through as fast as you can."

Harry types in a key code and the door slides open and shuts as soon as we're out. The exterior is covered in rocks, making it blend in with the lower walls of the palace.

We crouch down behind some bushes and Harry glances around to make sure the coast is clear. We run out into the open, hurrying towards the front gate, which has been blasted open. I don't even have time to comprehend the damage as we run through it. Harry punches the man from General William's group who's on guard, making him fly back and hit his head on the brick behind him.

Harry starts to run again and I follow close behind. He goes straight into the forest and stops to check our surroundings. We run for a few more minutes until we reach a small building.

Harry unlocks the door and ushers me in. There's a jeep inside and he presses his thumb against a pad, which opens the large door to get the car out.

"Get in," he tosses our bags in the back and climbs into the drivers seat. I get in like he instructed and the engine roars to life.

I sit back as he starts to drive and attempt to catch my breath. My cheek stings in the wind and I glance in the mirror to see my entire cheek red and the cut still bleeding. I grab my bag and dig through it until I find the first aid kit. I grab a small square of gauze and wipe it clean before putting a bandage over it.

The drive seems to go on and on forever. We're driving down roads I've never seen before and that I didn't even know existed. You can drive on a road through the forest for nearly a half an hour and then end up on a main road, apparently.

"How long do I have to hide?"

Harry looks away from the road and at me. "Until Christopher tells us it's safe to come back. He doesn't want to risk your safety at all, Princess."

"Can you do me a favour?" He nods and I sigh. "Please don't call me Princess. It's Olivia. I hate it when people don't use my name."

"Well, Olivia," he smiles. "I think I can do that."

I smile and let my head fall against the side of the door. At least I didn't end up with a protector that's a complete stuck up jerk.

"Random question," I think aloud. "Do you consider yourself sexist or racist in anyway?"

"Very random question. I do not, I consider myself quite the feminist, actually."

"Thank god," I mumble. He chuckles and that ends all conversation for awhile.

Harry pulls into a long drive and stops at the beginning. He reaches over and gets into the glove box in front of me. He pulls out a pair of binoculars and uses them to look at what seems to be a house.

"Shit," he mumbles. "There's a phone in the front pocket of my bag, pull it out and call Christopher."

He backs out of the drive and speeds off while I fumble around for the phone. Once Chris answers, he sounds panicked.

"Why are you moving past the location?"

I hand the phone to Harry, who nods in thanks.

"William has got like ten men there. I can't take on all of them without one of them calling for backup first..." he pauses and then flips a switch on the dashboard. "Yeah, I'm starting it up right now."

He hands the phone to me and I watch as the radio moves back into the dash and a screen rises. "Hey."

"Hey, you. I know you're worried. Things are under control here, for the most part. But I need you to do everything Harry says. I'm relocating you guys to my sisters house, you'll stay there until I can find a place for the two of you to head to. General William is on the look out for you and has left the palace completely. He is actually nowhere to be seen, we're getting information through his men. We were able to get a tracking device on multiple people from his troops, so right now I'm monitoring that. Our military is out too, protecting the towns and fighting off William's men when necessary. I don't want to call for war and worry the people."

"Isn't that exactly what this is, though? War?"

"Not necessarily. They're more focused on capturing you than invading."

"Great. That's fantastic," I sigh. "Please just promise me that you won't let this get out of control. It doesn't feel right just leaving the country to fend for themselves without helping in someway."

"I promise. The people of your country are safe, Olivia. I plan on keeping it that way."

"Okay. Thank you, Chris."

"Of course. Be safe."

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