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Christopher is a miracle worker. He had the council made in three days. It now consisted of the four original members, one younger guy, and five women my age or in their thirties.

The first meeting was brought to order the morning after they all were official members. And let me tell you, this was no short and pointless meeting. The meeting started at eight am and ended at five pm. I walked into that room with my head held high and I was determined to get the rules changed as soon as humanly possible. The only time we paused was for bathroom breaks and lunch.

We set new military guidelines, we set an emergency evacuation system, we set a code for the guards to follow, and we put in place some guidelines for the technology used within the palace. We have all of this great technology but we don't use any of it to its full potential.

I made sure to try my best and get my fathers ideas into the new rules. I wanted us to take more steps forward as a country and I knew that working democracy into our system would do just that. Lots of room was left for later explanations and key points that can be filled in, but we wanted to have the base done and ready to be finalized.

With all of the new rules for the palace and the country, I made sure to take care of the rules that I needed changed. Unfortunately, I was only able to get the votes on one of them.

When I walked out of that room at five in the evening, it was still a rule that I was to be in an arrangement for marriage by the end of the month. I still had to find a fiancé.

Walking into my bedroom and seeing Harry laid on my bed made me extremely nervous. He was fast asleep, I'm guessing he'd been waiting for me.

I didn't want to force him into my problem. I would be lying if I said that marrying Harry would be a bad thing, but I feel like we're not quite ready for that step up. He's my first love and I've only known him for a little over a month. This isn't some sort of fairytale where it's normal to get married right after confessing your love. This is twenty first century. Where I feel extremely awkward having to get married the way I have to.

He stirs as I get further into the room and his eyelids flutter open slowly, a tired smile coming over his face when he see's me.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," I tease quietly. I sit down on the edge of the bed next to where he's laying and I gently brush his hair out of his face with my fingers. His eyes close and his lips curve into a smile again.

"How'd the meeting go?"

"Really good," I nod. "How long have you been waiting for me? It's nearly dinner time."

"Probably, like, five hours. Gemma is in my room and she wanted to take a nap so I came in here. And then I fell asleep."

"Wanna head down to the dining hall for dinner with me?"

He sits up and fixes his hair. "Sure. I need to stop by my room first, though."

"Okay," I nod and stand from the bed. It's only been a week or two on crutches and I majorly hate them. It's so difficult to get around. Harry waits patiently by the door as I slowly make my way over to him. The only good thing about the crutches is that they aren't making me wear dresses all the time for simple meetings and such. I've gotten away with shorts and sweats so many times and it's fantastic.

"So I may have slightly lied to you," Harry says as he stops right outside the door to his room. "Gemma left right after the ball. There's nobody in my room."

"Why would you lie about something like that?" I laugh.

He doesn't answer me, he just opens his door and steps in to hold it open for me. Once I step in, I see why he chose to clear things up. There's roses, rose petals, and fairly lights all around the bed. I glance back at Harry and he just motions me towards the bed. He's got pillows for me to prop my leg up on and a tray that I would assume holds our dinner at the foot of the bed.

"What's all this about?"

I watch as he comes over to sit by me, sitting crisscross so he can bring the food closer. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer as he kisses my temple. "It's not about anything. I figured you'd had a stressful day, so I wanted to make tonight relaxing for you. Because I love you. And because I'm the best ever."

I roll my eyes. "Can't keep it sweet the whole time, can you?" He laughs and then I reach over to give him a kiss. "Thank you. I love you too."

We eat the food (the same thing we would have eaten in the dining hall, but its more fun to eat in your bedroom) and then Harry moves the stuff aside. He shuffles around the room some, shutting off the main lights and turning on some quiet and slow music. On the way back to the bed, he trips and falls to the ground. I jump up and go over to him while he just lays on the ground.

"Are you okay? What did you even trip over?" I laugh lightly as he sits up. I stand up and offer my hand out to him, which he takes but very lightly and not like he's going to take my help. "Come on, let me help you up and- oh my god."

I watch in shock as he repositions himself so he's on one knee and looking up at me with a small smile. He brings a rose up from the ground with his free hand and holds it out to me. Inside the petals rests a beautiful diamond ring.

"Olivia... I know we haven't even known each other for very long and this probably seems super crazy but that's because it is. Hell, I don't even know what I'm doing. I never really do when it comes to you. The first time I saw you, everything about you put me in shock. My brain became nothing but thoughts about you. You are one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen, inside and out. What we've been through together isn't normal at all, but in a way I think that maybe that's why we both fell for each other as quickly as we did. God, I fell so hard, Olivia. It scared me so much and still does. However, I'm kind of one to face my fears. I find that it's much easier to face them with you by my side, and I want it to always be that way. I want to help you face your fears. I want to be by your side to support you with everything you do. I want to face challenges that only you and I could understand and get through. I want to make new experiences and create memories with you. I guess what I'm trying to say is.... Olivia, will you do all of this with me? Will you be mine for life and marry me?"

My hand goes up to cover my mouth to hide the fact that it's hanging wide open. I can't form words to say because the love I have for the man in front of me is so overwhelming that it's taking up my entire brain; hell, it's taking up my entire body. I nod my head and he smiles in relief as he stands up and cups my cheek with his hand, wiping the tears from my face. I wrap my arms around him and smash my mouth against his. Our lips fall in sync and I feel his arms wrap around me and he lifts me up.

We pull apart, both of us smiling like idiots. I mumble that I love him too many times to count as he brings the rose where I can see it. He sets me down and takes the ring with shaking hands, then takes my hand and slips the gorgeous ring on my finger.

"How did you know that I was able to change the rule?"

He smiles and kisses my forehead. "I didn't. But I knew you would."

"But how?"

"Because you're you. You can do anything."

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