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It's been two weeks.

Two weeks of waiting. Of sitting. Of hoping. Two weeks of feeling completely helpless and lost. Two weeks of feeling homesick and sick to my stomach because of the battle both at the same time.

Harry and I are practically best friends now. It took me a few days, but I eventually broke out of my shell and so did he. He told me a lot about him, which was nice. He told me a lot of stories about how my father would come to his training sessions to ensure he was doing everything with correctness and precision.

I've never really been able to speak with somebody as much as I've been able to with Harry. He's practically the only friend I've ever had except for the children in the palace that I grew up with and Lexi.

The weather outside was absolutely horrid. There'd been thunder and lightning nearly all night last night and it seems like it's been raining for days. The wind was slamming things around outside and I'm pretty sure I've heard like five trees fall to the ground.

Harry was watching a movie, while I was curled up on the couch reading one of the books Julia had brought me. She knew me so well. Harry pauses his movie and looks outside.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I look up from my book and look around. "It was probably the wind."

"No, it sounded like a car door. Like somebody is here."

He shuts the TV and all of the lights off and glances out the front window. He runs over to me, making me get up in a hurry. "What's going on?" I ask quietly.

"There's a military truck outside. And it's not one that belongs to the kingdom," he replies quietly. We go into the bedroom and he opens the closet door, moves the rug inside the closet and opens up a hidden door in the floorboards. "Hurry, get in."

I nod and crawl into the small hiding cell. It's quite big for a place to hide, but still small.

"Stay here, and stay completely silent until I come in and get you, okay?"

I nod my head and he shuts the door. There's a small lamp and I switch it on while Harry shuffles to cover the door in the flooring. I hear the closet door shut and then I hear the bedroom door shut. I don't usually admit my fear, but I'm definitely terrified.


The truck was unoccupied from what I could see and there was a man wandering around outside, most likely searching for some sort of evidence that somebody is home. Within a minute of me walking out of the bedroom after hiding Olivia, there's a knock at the door.

I look through the peephole to get a good look at the man in case I need to identify him later on. I crack the door open and the man looks at me in confusion.

"How can I help you?"

"I've been sent to look for the missing Princess," he starts. "Have you seen her pass through here at all? It's believed that she was around these parts about three days ago."

"The Princess? I'm sorry, sir. I haven't seen her."

"Mind if I take a look around inside?"

"Uh," I back up and open the door. "Not at all. Come on in."

Please let there be no evidence of her here. Please please please.

He glances around as he walks into he living room. "Nice place you got here. How long have you been living here?"

"About a year, I reckon."

He nods and opens up all the closets and cupboards he passes. He makes his way down the hall and into the office space.

"So who sent you to look for the Princess? I thought she was in like, a safe house or something like that?"

"The kingdom sent me," he tries. Wrong answer, sir. "She actually ran away." Wrong answer again.

I push him into the office space and shove him against the wall.

"Let's try this again. Who sent you?"

His eyes are filled with fear as my hand holds his neck and my other hand is weighted against him to keep him still. "I just told you!"

"No, you just lied to me! Who the hell sent you here?!"

"General William! Direct order from General William! Please don't kill me, I'm just a prisoner!"

I drop my hands and he falls a little. "What do you mean you're a prisoner?"

He lifts his pant leg to reveal an ankle bracelet. My eyes widen as I realize why General William has so many men. He's captured people and used them against their will.

"So you don't want to be doing what your doing?"

"No, man," he shakes his head quickly. "I know the Princess is in hiding. And I know you know. But I have to be here. There's another guy in that truck out there waiting to kill me if I screw this up at all."

I grab a tracker and chip scanner from my supplies and run it over his figure. He's got an earpiece and a microphone, both of which I have him remove and I smash them with a hammer.

"We don't have much time before they figure out those aren't working," I point to the pieces and he nods. "Are there others besides the person in the truck that know of this location?"

He nods. "They know she's been here, but they know that she still is."

"I never told you that she was or is here."

"I know, though. I'll tell them that she moved on to a different location and only stayed a night here, if you promise me that me and all the other prisoners will be freed. That's all I want."

"I can't promise it'll happen right away, but you will be freed from General William. I'll let the kingdom know what's happening."

"Thank you," he smiles. "Thank you so much. You two should get out of here as soon as-"

A man storms in through the hallway and pushes me to the ground. The man I was talking to originally has suddenly disappeared, but I can hear his heavy footsteps running out of the house.

"Who the hell are you and where is the Princess?"

"Who I am is of no importance to you," I growl and stand up to my feet. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?!"

When the man doesn't answer I push him back. He stumbles and hits the wall and I yell it again. He punched my stomach and I flinch back a little, but quickly move my fist up to punch him square in the nose. He falls down and I kick his side repeatedly. He twists my leg a little and I nearly fall over but I'm able to catch myself. By the time I've regained my balance, he's on his feet and now has a knife in his hand.

He becomes so focused on trying to stab me or cut me, that he's doesn't notice me grab a book from the desk behind me. He slices my cheek when I don't dodge the knife quick enough and I wince but bring the book up to hit him on the head nonetheless. My hand gets cut in the process, but the book knocks the man right to the ground unconscious.

I lock the door from the outside and run into the bedroom. I get Olivia out and she gasps at the sight of my bleeding face.

"Oh my god! Are you-"

"We have to get out of here, grab your bag and pack it with as much as you can."

She scrambles to get all of her belongings into her duffel and I do the same with my stuff as well as some food. The jeep had any equipment I might need already in it, so once we were both packed we were out the door in no time.

The military truck was gone. Meaning the prisoner had taken a run for it, away from the same man we're running from.

The Crown Protector » h.s {Completed}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt