//Chapter Two//

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"The door is more than it appears. It separates who you are from who you can become. You don't have to walk through it...you can run."

-Franklin Richards


"Arelia looked at the pages in horror, realizing they too, were stamped with the symbol she had learned to hate so intensely. Only one thought was in her mind as she scanned her research; this was only the beginning."



As much as Arelia hated the feeling, she had to admit, it was better than the alternative, numbness. Something Arelia had dealt with for the following year after her parents death.

Davis R and D had been more quiet than usual the past few weeks. Mason's death had impacted the business largely, while he and Cynthia hadn't owned the business, they had become like family.

Arelia had always been the 'little sweetheart' of the company, but ever since Terra Scott had taken over, she seemed to visit less and less. That's why as the blue skies had turned gray, Arelia found herself walking there instead of home.

While it wasn't raining, the skies looked like it could any minute. Twisting side to side on the over sized office chair, Arelia continously tapped her fingers against the large desk in front of her. Directly across from her sat Terra.

Terra was tall compared to the average woman and her love for heels did nothing to help. With long, raven black hair cascading past her shoulders, vibrant blue eyes, and a curvy figure, Terra was unmistakably a beautiful twenty five year old woman.

To add to her stunning looks, she was CEO of Davis R and D, had a PhD in business, owned a lovely home, and was a trained nurse. She was by far Arelia's biggest role model.

The two young adults took turns examining each other, it had been nearly a year since they had last properly conversed. To Arelia, Terra looked tired, worn, as if the pressure of running a multi billion dollar company and doubling as a hero had finally caught up with her. Small, dark circles were visible beneath her inviting eyes, reminding Arelia that her uncle's death had an effect on not just her.

Arelia shifted in her seat, her thumb absentmindedly rubbing circles over her knuckles. "You need sleep." Arelia decided after minutes of silence.

"We're not here to talk about me, Arelia." She countered with a sigh. Scooting her chair closer to the desk, Terra placed her hands atop the light wood as if expecting Arelia to bring forward the issue.

Arelia straightened her back before leaning against the desk, the zipper of her jacket obnoxiously grazing the wood. "They're back and they're after something, I'd guess whatever my parents started."

"How much do you know about your parents?"

"I know they opened Davis R and D in back in 1992. They started a series experiments that were never completed. They wanted to change the world." Arelia explained, her voice void of any emotions, as if she had rehearsed the words for ages.

"The Guardians," Terra cut in, "fourteen of the city's bravest ready to stop the group known as the Black Masks from disturbing the status quo."

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