Chapter 2

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Louis' POV

I sighed as I looked around the white room. It can really get on someones nerves, the machines beeping at different speeds and tones.  I suppose it could be considered calming, but all it did was make me filled with more anxiety by the second.

"Goddamn-it, Niall, why did you bring me here? I was perfectly fine!" I grumbled at the blond, Irish boy sitting in the chair besides my bed.

"Fine? Fine?! Lou, you were unconscious on the floor! You weren't even close to fine!" Niall exclaimed with a look of disbelief, "I know you think you can handle everything by yourself, but you and I both know you can't." I opened my mouth to tell Niall off when he gave me a look. "Don't make me remind you of what happened when you were 16."

My eyes widened and casted downwards as I started nervously picking at the hospital blanket. "I don't need anyone expect for you." I mumbled softly then looking up at him with wide eyes. Niall groaned.

"C'mon, Lou! Don't look at me like that!" Niall said with a shake of his head. "I'm sorry for bring it up, but ya gotta listen to me! Not everyone is your enemy-"

"I know! I know....I know that already Niall," I interrupted softly. Suddenly my teeth gritted together and my face went hard, "but that doesn't change the fact that most people are my enemies. I have to protect my family, Nialler. I have to protect you." Niall looked at me sadly. I wasn't telling him anything he didn't know so he wasn't at all surprised that I considered him part of my family. 

"Does that mean what I think it means?" He asked, desperately looking for a different answer then what he expects. Narrowing my eyes, I answered.

"Yes, it means that I've got to show that Harry Styles brat that he better think twice before hurting my family." 

Harry's POV

I angrily paced up and down the runway for the photo shoot. Clenching and unclenched my hands into fists, I growled.

"Who does that Tomlinson kid think he is, anyways?" I snarled. "Just because he has a few fans he suddenly thinks that he can show me up?"

"Harry, mate, you've got to calm down." A familiar voice said calmly. I snapped my head over to the source of the voice. My best mates were standing to the left of the runway. 

"Calm down? Really? Calm down, Zayn? You expect me to calm down after everything he said to me?!" I scoffed.

"C'mon Harry, you're getting worked up over nothing," Liam answered back for Zayn.

"It's not nothing, Liam! It's a whole lot of something that I'm about to shove up his-" I started

"Harry!" Liam quickly intervened before I had a chance to go on. "Let's think of this logically, alright? I mean you were the one who started all of it."

"I started it? Who's side are you on, Li?!" Liam quickly raised his hands up in defense.

"I'm not on anybodies side." He tried to soothed me. "I just don't want you getting hurt over something stupid."

"What do you expect me to do? Sit on the sidelines after he begged for a fight?! I'm not a pussy, Liam, and I don't plan on acting like one!" Zayn frowned and walked over to where I was standing.

"We're not calling you a pussy, Harry. Liam is just saying that there's better things to get in a fight over." Zayn tried to explain however I was already shaking my head. 

"No, I'm going to show that kid who he's messing with! Besides, do you really think he can hurt me?

"Harry! He's older then you!" Liam gasped out, "plus he's a punk singer! He's dangerous! God, everybody knows he's dangerous! Haven't you heard the stories about all those people he beats up and hurts?" I looked at Liam disbelievingly. 

"No, but how the hell did you hear about them!? You don't even know what he looks like!" I snapped back. Liam blushed and looked at the ground.

"W-well, Alex told me-" Zayn interrupted Liam before he could finish his sentence.

"Liam! What do Harry and I tell you? Don't listen to Alex! All he tells is lies!" Zayn scolded before turning to me with the frown already on his face. "Harry, I know that no matter what Liam and I say will go in one ear and out the other, so I'm not going to try to fight you and tell you that you can't fight that Tomlinson kid, but I will tell you that Liam and I will be there." 

I huffed in defeated and nodded. I knew that they would've showed up anyways.



Hey, my peeps! How are you guys doing? Good? Good! Please tell me what you guys think in the comments! I don't know if anyone likes this story! Please, please tell me! Anyways, I love you guys and I hope ya'll have a great day!

~Abby <3

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