'' where the hell did you come from?'' Louis asks as i help him into the passengers seat. ''Uh...i was just walking when i saw the car and decided to stop by'' zayn says.

Louis just nods believing him and i look at zayn and he lets out a breath of releif and we get into the car. '' you know zayn because of you i have to have help everywhere now?'' Louis sayas pissed.

'' well maybe your crutches need to have a tracking device on them'' zayn says. '' well maybe you shouldnt have lost my crutches!'' Louis says.

'' louis got a point there'' i say and i look through the mirror and see zayn glareing at me and i laugh alittle looking back to the road. '' i hope my side doesnt ache all day, that'll suck'' louis says and i just shake my head '' as long as you take the meds you should be fine'' i say.

Zayn stays silent and i look back at him and see him frowning down at his hands. I need to ask him later what happened today with him.

We pull up at our house and i help louis out of the car and zayn goes and opens the front door for us. '' why dont you make yourself useful and try to find my crutches'' louis says and zayn scoffs.

'' i mean you do owe him that'' i say and zayn groans and grummbles something under his breath and he walks away. '' do you want to be down here or upstairs?'' I ask him '' down here is fine'' he says and i help him over to the couch.

'' imma go help zayn'' i say and he nods and i walk out to the back yard and i see zayn looking throught he bushes. '' zayn whats wrong?'' I say and he turns around and sighs '' its the same as usual'' he says and i just nod and go over to him and hug him from behind.

'' hope'' i say and he turns around and hugs me back and i smile and we pull away. ''Look what i found'' zayn says pulling louis crutches out fromt he bushes.

'' how did they even end up here?'' I laugh and he shrugs '' no clue, but here they are'' he says and we head inside and zayn sets the crutches down next to the couch.

'' were they really out side?'' Louis asks and i nod '' zayn is crazy i swear'' louis mummbles and i roll my eyes. The door bell rings and i head over to it and smile seeing greg.

'' hello'' he says and pecks my lips and i smile letting him in '' hi'' i say back and we head into the living room. '' wow i look like crap prepared to all of you'' i say looking at my clothes '' let me go change'' i say and rush up stairs.

I get changed and smile at my self in the mirror and i walk down stairs. '' wow'' i hear greg and louis say but louis is more quiet than greg '' you look amazing'' greg says and i blush.

'' hello everyone!'' Liam yells walking in with niall walking in behind him. '' now the wait for the parents to show up starts'' louis says and i nod.


We make it to the life celebration and there is a good amount of people here. There are some of gemmas friend, her boyfriend, family etc.

''Are you ure its okay that im here? I mean i barley even knew her'' greg says. '' you are fine greg i promise'' i say and he hesitantly nods and i just peck his lips.

'' have you seen your brother at all?'' Greg asks and i shake my head. '' no, but its okay i didnt really expect to see him here anyways'' i say and he nods.

The life celebration is being held at gemmas boyfriends house which we are very thankful for. ''How are you hanging in there?'' Zayn says walking up to me and i nod ''okay i suppose''' i say and he nods and pats my shoulder.

'' Have you seen niall around?'' Zayn asks and i shake my head ''actually no i havent'' i say looking around for the small irish boy. '' found him"greg says pointing and i follow his finger and see niall talking with some boy.

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