How He's so Beautiful...

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My eyes grew wide in shock at his words. Dylan Martin, Mr. I'm So Crazy About Medicine was going to study business, something he didn't want to do in the first place? Clearly this was a joke. Dylan didn't want to do business. He hated it. It was the reason his parents hated him; because he didn't want to take over their business.

He was clearly doing this to please his parents and it worked. Mr. and Mrs. Martin's face lit up immediately, their hearts on fire. Mrs. Martin hugged him tightly and Mr. Martin patted his shoulder and kept saying great things about him. For a slight moment I saw Dylan smile, liking the feeling of his parents being proud of him but it vanished as quickly as it came. I half-expected him to say 'sike!' and laugh at them but it never came.

"This calls for a celebration! Family dinner! Skylar you're invited!" Mrs. Martin sounded excited.

"I would love to but I have to get home and prepare my speech," I lied.

"Oh darn it! That was your car out front?" Mrs. Martin asked.

"Uggh, yeah. Why?" I replied confused.

"I had it towed. Didn't want just any old car in front of my house. I'm sure you can fetch that old thing!"

So the bitch was still in her. I bit my tongue preventing me from saying anything rude because Dylan was trying to mend things and I didn't want to ruin things for him.

"I'll just call my brother," I forced a smile and excused myself. Stepping outside was a relief. I felt like I was walking on glass in that house. I got my phone out and quickly called my brother explaining why I needed him to come get me. Not long after I hung up, Dylan joined me outside.

"What are you doing?" he asked concerned.

"I'm waiting on my brother."

"I could have brought you home," Dylan frowned.

"I know but you were busy with kissing ass so I figured I'd call my brother," I shrugged not really in the mood to talk anymore.

"What did you expect me to do? They are keeping the twins. When I'm in classes at college they would hurt them. Think about it. They're keeping the twins and I'll be studying plus I'll have long hours of training and if I studied medicine they would continue hurting the people I care about," Dylan groaned frustrated, "If I do business, I make them happy and that way they'll treat the twins better. They'll treat me better. Maybe my first plan didn't work but this one might. I'll take over the business and if Daniel or Dana wants they can take over and then I can go study my medicine if I'm still up for it. I'll always protect the twins even if it means giving up my dreams."

"Dylan," I searched for my words as I stared at the beautiful boy in front of me. He was so selfless it worried me, "Why don't you just report them? They're bad, abusive parents."

"Money is power and they have too much. They won't go down and even if they do lose the twins, I might not get them and surely not Martha," he shook his head and a sudden fear washed over his eyes, "I won't let them hurt the twins. I won't let anybody hurt them."

"I respect you. I have so much love and admiration for you, you don't even understand," I blinked back my tears as I caressed his face with my hands.

"I appreciate that," he smiled.

"The thing you hate the most isn't goodbyes," I whispered to him, "It's loosing the people you care about. It's seeing them get hurt. It's the reason you're so protective Dylan. It's the reason you're such a good guy. I'll see you at graduation."

I placed a light kiss on his lips and hugged him tightly before turning and walking towards my brother's car which had arrived moments ago. I spun around and using both my hands, I blew kisses in Dylan's direction before getting in the car. Jace waved to Dylan before driving off.

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