How They Made Up...

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I had told Ari all about it. It was a perfect night until Jace had rung me and asked where I was and I had to lie and tell him Ari's. Then he demanded to pick me up so Theo had to rush me over to Ari's house and I had to leave Dylan. He was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake him so I left a note. It was close but I didn't get caught.

I hadn't heard from Dylan since then though. He didn't text or call, neither did I because I didn't know what to say to him. Was I good enough for him? Has he had better? He has, that's probably why he didn't call! Oh my gosh, I bored him! Maybe that's why he went to sleep afterwards. But he held me. It didn't make any sense.

"He didn't call?!" Ari exclaimed and then scowled, "Jerks! That's what all of them are! Dogs and jerks!"

"Ari calm down. There has to be a reason," I said though I didn't really believe it.

"Sex changes everything. It's up to you whether or not it's in a good way or bad way or a bad way," Ari told me, "Well it's up to you and him."

"But it was amazing and he was gentle," I continued. I picked at my fish sticks and then drank some of my milk.

"I'm sorry," she said to me.

"It's okay. I promise. Look, I'm not crying. I'm a big girl," I forced a smile. She saw right through my act but said nothing about it. It was then that Jace and James joined us at the table. James put his arm around me.

"Hey Skye," he grinned and stole a fish stick.

"Hey guys," Jace greeted.

"Hey," Ari and I chorused. Ari frowned.

"So you're really not going to tell me hi?" she asked James and he shrugged.

"Oh you noticed me? Where's Theo? He's not here to keep you busy?" James scowled.

"Theo and I weren't really dating," she confessed and he tensed. He pulled his arm from around me and visibly grew angry.

"So you wanted to get me mad?" he growled.

"You weren't making a move! I had to give you a push!" she yelled.

"But when I did something, you stepped back!" he accused, "I told you I was done playing games and I meant it!"

"This is going against everything I believe in," she muttered but got up and walked around the table and sat in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned closer to him, "I am not playing games with you James. I want you."

"It's not enough," he whispered looking at her lips before returning his gaze to her eyes.

"I need you James," she tried again.

"I need more Ari baby," he shook his head.

"I love you James," she smiled and he mirrored it.

"Only me?" he questioned and she nodded.

"Only you," she crashed her lips to his then. They started to full on make out in the cafeteria drawing the attention of those around them. I looked away not liking how much they made me miss Dylan and searched his table for him. Our eyes made four but he looked away seeming pissed about something. I sighed and looked at Jace who looked disgusted by what was happening beside him.

"Don't ever let me see you doing that," he warned me pointing at them.

"I'm eighteen Jace," I rolled my eyes, "And maybe if you didn't warn every guy in the school away from me I would have done that lots of times."

"No you wouldn't," he scowled.

"So what college do you plan to go to?" I asked ignoring him.

"I applied to a couple. Whichever one accepts," he shrugged. Typical boy.

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