How Everything Changed...

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"Favorite color?" I asked Dylan as we both lay in his bed. My head was on his chest so I could feel each breath that he took.

"Yours is purple," Dylan answered.

"Nope. Not anymore," I shook my head.

"What? What is it then?" he frowned upset.


"Well up until about a year ago it was purple," he defended.

"I can't believe you got that wrong," I teased.

"It's the first thing I've gotten wrong, okay?" he was defensive.

"Just shows how much of a stalker you are," I grinned turning to look at him.

"Nah babe, it shows how much I love you," he told me with a slight smile, "So when did it change, your favorite color I mean?"

"When I grew addicted to your eyes," I confessed and he smiled fully now.

"My eyes tend to have that effect on people," he smirked and I slapped him lightly, "So what's mine?"

"I'm going to say green," I stated sure of myself.


"Because that's the color of my eyes," I explained.

"Watch it. The room's not big enough for your ego," he teased.

"Well is it? Am I right?" I asked curious.

"You are," he confessed and I cheered lightly, "Thing you hate the most?"

"Your parents," I said immediately.

"Nope but yours is not being able to please everybody."

"That's true. So what's yours?" I replied and I heard him sigh deeply.

"I absolutely hate goodbyes."

I gulped. He'd have to say goodbye to me in two days. He'd have to face his fear and put everything aside on Tuesday to tell me goodbye. In two days. It was so close. I'd be leaving everything behind in two days. Everyone...Was I really willing to give this all up? Oregon wasn't a bad university. In fact, it was good.

"Skylar?" Dylan's voice was loud in my ears. I looked into his concerned eyes, "I shouldn't have said that...Let's continue. Forget I said anything."

"Weirdest thing that ever happened to you?" I forced the words out of my mouth knowing it was a stupid question because none of us would be able to answer it.

"How am I supposed to know this? Ahh, let's see...probably your date with Thai."

"Shut up! No!" I laughed and slapped his chest playfully, "My date with Thai was awesome. He made me laugh and I had fun but he knew I didn't like-like him like that."


"The weirdest thing that has happened to me, which isn't really weird but just doesn't happen to the average girl, would have to be my stalker," I said thinking back to all my love notes, "He was really sweet. Hey, what ever happened to him? He just stopped writing! Did you hurt him? I told you not to hurt him! Who is he anyways?"

"Calm down, I didn't harm a hair on your pretty little stalker's head. I don't even know who he is," Dylan said dryly.

"I thought you were supposed to be my hero and find him," I reminded him and he scoffed.

"Like I was going to find a guy who was telling you all sorts or romantic things."

"Hater," I teased. Dylan suddenly climbed over me.

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