'Any Mention of the She-Devil?' - Chapter Twenty Five

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'Danny?' Her eyes widened. 'Did he have anything exciting to say? Any mention of the she-devil?'

'No, I was not about to bring up Felicity and get in another fight with him. I'm getting so tired of redoing the same argument with him. I really can't understand why he's defending her. It's so annoying because she seems to like him so much and if he likes her now –' I paused. 'I really just don't want to think of the two of them being together. Every time I see him I want the ground to just swallow me up so I can stop looking at his beautiful, beautiful, unattainable face.'

'I don't know Jess, I still feel like he might like you. You just need to talk to him about it and tell him how you feel. Have you made any plans to see him again?'

'Yeah he invited me to sing for him tonight actually. He was saying I should audition for the winter fair but that he's never heard me play or anything.'

'Jess!' Rachel screamed at me. 'You're going to his room at night to sing for him?'


'Jessica Fletcher, Danny has just asked you out on a date you loser. How did you not realise that?' Wait what?

'Wait what?'

'What are you going to wear?'

'Wait what!?' I repeated, louder this time. 'Where the hell did you get that from?'

'Is it going to be just the two of you?'

'Yes but – '

'Is it going to be late at night in his room?'

'Yes but – '

'Is singing and playing guitar the most romantic activity you can do?'

'I'm not sure about that Rach, I – '

'Did he just declare his love for you like a few weeks ago?'

'Yeah I guess.'

'It's a date Jess.' Crap what if she was right?

'Rachel, I cannot be going on a date with Danny tonight. I'm not even ready, what the hell am I going to do – oh my gosh!' I started panicking. Did I have time to wash my hair? What was I going to wear? What if it's not a date and I give the wrong impression? What if it is a date and I give the wrong impression?

'Jess, calm down. It'll be fine. He knows what you look like. Just go in and be honest. This is literally the perfect time to tell him how you feel about him.'

'Oh no.' My breathing was picking up pace. 'I didn't wake up today thinking that I'd be telling Danny I liked him before I went to bed tonight.'

'You know I'm right though, this is the right time to do it.' Crap, she was right.

'You are right. I can't let this go on longer; I'll tell him how I feel and if he doesn't return the sentiment – '

'He will return the sentiment,' Rachel interrupted.

'If he doesn't return the sentiment then that's fine, we'll just go back to being friends and then I'll just kill myself and it will all be good.'

'We'll cross that bridge when we come to it,' Rachel laughed. 'Oh my gosh Jess I'm excited, this time tomorrow you could have a boyfriend crap!'



So there we go. Sorry it's only short, the next one will be longer!!! Next chapter will include Jess and Danny's 'date' and will be from Danny's perpective! So that's something to look forward to!! I'll try and post it tomorrow but I have a big essay due so it may be later in the day.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't forget to vote and comment, and please follow me if you aren't already so that when I start posting my new story you can follow along to that. If you like Only Fools you will LOVE my next one. Also I started writing Only Fools over two years ago when I was a lot younger than I am now so obviously my writing has improved and I'm hoping that this next book will be of a much better quality in writing and story - I'm REALLY excited about it.

Questions to answer in the comments - 

- Did Danny ask Jess on a date?

- Will Jess tell him how she feels?

- Will Danny tell Jess about his kiss with Felicity?

EEEEKKKK!!! What an exciting time for Jess and the gang!!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH THANKS FOR READING!!!


PS - Does anyone actually read the Author's note? If you're still reading then post a comment saying 'Felicity is the she-devil' so that I know, it will be our little secret ;) haha

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