Chapter Three Diana

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I dedicate this chapter to WatermelonKrieger for being who they are... XDDDD


I got the call in Paige's test block, so I went alone.

What a mistake it was.

I escaped through the window and followed the place where my thought traveled until I reached the building in which I heard the cry. I flew in real close and I noticed something was wrong. Really wrong. Of course, I just assumed it was just the reason that the lady called me that made me feel like something bad was happening.

Too many people were watching and taking pictures, so I morphed into a regular owl. They found that odd, as we have never fully morphed in front of people before. Then I flew into the broken door.

First, I morphed into my half-form. Then I searched for the source of the cry and found a lady tied up in chains. It was Nurse Karen. I put aside my uncomfortable feelings and went to help her.

Suddenly, she jumped up and tied me up. I was against the chair, helpless against the chains. I struggled anyway.

"Heh! Tables turned!" she exclaimed. "Now, I'll let you out as soon as I have evidence of who you are. Of course, I know already, but I'm gonna need evidence. So," she concluded, "morph into your human form, Diana."

I was shocked and trapped. She left the room and locked the door. Hardly thinking, I morphed into my plain owl self and flew around, checking the vents for an exit.

Suddenly her voice rang out through a speaker: "I can see what you're doing. I have video surveillance. There's no way the vents will give in. I've got you!"

I attempted to wiggle through, but nothing. I heard her cackle like a witch around a cauldron, and I'm her potion tester. Let me tell you, this potion is disgusting.

I then began to peck the vent with force. It took hours, but there was a hole large enough to get in very snugly. She laughed.

"There's no way you're fitting through there!"

I wriggled in as much as I could and willed for my half-form. The vent broke as I grew to human size. I heard her footsteps outside the door, but it was too late.

I was flying away.


I heard Paige sqwaking for me. I hooted to let her know I was okay. The sounds immediately ceased and I found her flying to me in full raven form. I had already became full owl again.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I hooted in reply. "I'll tell you on the swingset."

"Okay," she said, looking relieved. I must have worried her a lot.

When we got back and became human, I told her about Karen and my eventual escape.

"Wow," she said. "How did she know?"

"Well, we weren't exactly quiet in the hospital, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Paige said. "And she was very uncertain about us. She put two and two together."

"She sure did," I said. "We need to be careful for her."

"Yeah," Paige said. "In a time of trouble like that, I wouldn't be as smart as you."

"Well, I think you'll be fine in a crisis," I told her. "As long as you're not too stupid and you wait for me to arrive."

"Yeah," she agreed. "I love how you don't turn around and say that I am smart. Shows how much you care." She grinned.

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