Chapter Two Paige

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I dedicate this chapter to Okie_And_Proud because they are amaZhang. :P


When we left in the morning, I thought of something. What if we could be superheroes?

I mean, it's perfect because Diana Meade and I could help people. I can still be my unpopular, happy self with my friends—having fun, teasing, always having laughs, and not be bothered by fame. I am actually shy and nervous around people I don't know. Weird, right? Diana is too—we both have someone who we always breaks out of that shell for. I kind of would be famous, but I wouldn't. Not Paige, but the raven girl.

When I told Diana this at lunch, she first got mad I didn't tell her in a more quiet place, especially now that we're being asked about what happened left and right. Then, she seemed to like the idea. We're both kind of shy—it's the perfect way to be nice and help people without publicity. Not to mention crazy people coming after us all of the time, etc.

"It only seems fit, now that we won't be famous," she said. "We can further discuss this at the bus stop tomorrow."

"Perfect." I smiled. She smiled back.

"Hey, Diana and Paige?" I heard Sady Tucker's voice from across the table. I looked up into her blue eyes. "Why won't you tell us what happened?"

"Yeah," Kerry Blake, Kyrstin Regonald, Olivia Lestrange, and Theresa Chamberlain agreed.

"Like we're telling everyone, we can't remember!" Diana lied. "I swear it!"

"Mhm," Kerry said sarcastically. "Sure you don't."

"Look, we need to know what happened to be able to help you!" Theresa cried. "You're shutting us out, like you're too shy to talk, too nervous—just like you act around everyone else!"

"Please, guys, don't shut us out," Olivia pleaded. "Whatever happened might be scary or uncomfortable to talk about, but you need to let us know so we can help you! Do you not trust us?"

Kyrstin spoke up. "Guys, I went for visit you after school—I overheard doctors talking about you! One was saying how you healed unusually quick!" My heart seemed go stop. Diana's face paled. "Did Paige fake this for extra study time for the English quiz? We want to know!"

"I didn't," I mumbled. I felt Diana's hand on my shoulder. She stood up.

"I'm telling you, we don't know what happened. Do you not think we want to know for ourselves? Maybe it was so scary our brains shut it out—yes, Paige, that's possible—or maybe they hit our heads really hard so we'd forget! There are virtually limitless possibilities, but I'm telling you, but we don't know which. We really want to know, too! Don't you think it's a little scary for us? We got attacked, by someone or something, we don't know! They might come back, might have us dead this time!" Diana exclaimed.

They all seemed mostly convinced. Each of them had a look of uncertainty of their face. All except Kyrstin. Her eyes were narrowed. Diana sat down. I was surprised nobody had looked in this direction.

They all turned to talk to other people at the table. None of them looked at us. Diana and I exchanged an unstable glance of sadness. She then looked back at them with longing. I guess this is the price we have to pay for our powers—our friendships.

What an expensive price.


At the bus stop next morning, Diana and I began to talk it through.

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