Music of the Lost: Concours

Start from the beginning

Soon, the three of them are walking to classroom 2-A: Kahoko holding a stack of papers, Daisuke holding the stack of textbooks, and the green haired boy carrying a poster tube. "Thank you so much for helping me!" Kahoko says with a smile at her two new friends. "Um, I'm Hino Kahoko by the way." she says smiling. "Class two."

"Tsuchiura Ryotaro," her green haired rescuer replies. "Class five."

"Yukimura Daisuke, class 3-B." Daisuke replies calmly, his eyes gazing down at the school garden.

"You must be the new music student." Ryotaro says quietly. "You're different from the others."

Daisuke sends him his signature smirks and nods. "Yeah, I get that a lot." he replies. Kahoko rolls her eyes and sends an annoyed glare at him.

"Maybe it's because you have no manners whatsoever!" she hisses angrily. Daisuke just smirks down at her. The music student is taller than Ryotaro by an inch or so.

"You just can't handle teasing." he replies before walking up to the classroom door.

"Do you mind moving?" a cold voice asks them from behind. Kahoko turns to see a good looking boy with blue hair and golden eyes.

"Ah! Gomen!" she says stepping away from the doorway.

"Hey! We need to put these things somewhere in this class. Do you mind doing it since this is your classroom?" Ryotaro asks politely.

"Just put it somewhere. It's none of my concern." the boy replies walking into class. He nods his head towards Daisuke before going to his seat.

"What's with the attitude?" Ryotaro grumbles angrily.

"Ignore him. Let's jut finish our job." Daisuke interjects, striding in quickly. Ryotaro and Kahoko cautiously follow his lead.


"Kaho-chan, are you feeling okay?" asks Mio, her cheerful friend, anxiously. Before Kahoko can reply, Daisuke appears behind her and smirks.

"She'll be fine." he says. "She's just nervous." With that said, he walks off.

Kahoko sits down tiredly with her bento, only to be immediately questioned by her two friends. Mizuki apparently is off somewhere.

"Kaho-chan, who's that cute boy? How did you get such a handsome sempai^ like him?" asks Mio excitedly, her eyes glittering excitedly.

"Um . . ." Kahoko mumbles, somewhat embarrassed. Thankfully, she is saved by the loud speaker.

"Ahem, as you know there will be Seiso Academy's traditional concours this year. I will now announce this year's talented participants. Class 3-B, Yunoki Azuma-kun. Class 3-B, Hihara Kazuki-kun. Class 3-B Yukimaru Daisuke-kun."

Kahoko gasps at the name. She never knew that Daisuke is that good at playing music. Mio and Nao gasp for a different reason. "Whoa! The first three are all in the same class!" Nao gapes.

"Cool!" Mio says, her eyes all sparkly. Nao and Kahoko sweat drop.

"Class 2-A, Tsukimori Len-kun. Class 1-A, Shimizu Keichii-kun. Class 1-B, Fuyuumi Shoko-San. Class 1-B, Yukimura Hana-San."

"Wow! Another Yukimura's playing!" Mio exclaims, jumping up and down.

"Him, I wonder if Yukimura- San in our class is related to them." Nao mutters softly.

"And from General Education, class 2-2, Hino Kahoko-San and Yukimura Mizuki-San."

"EHHH!!!!" Kahoko shrieks, squeezes her juice box.

"Did he just say Hino?" asks a classmate to another.

"Hino-San." Nao says worriedly.

Kahoko grips her juice box tightly until a voice calls her out of her reverie. "Hino-chan!" Mizuki calls, grabbing her by the arm. "We're going to Kanazawa-sensei right now."

Without letting Kahoko say anything, the two girls march into Kanazawa's office. "Kanazawa-sensei we can't be in the concours. We don't play instruments!" Kahoko protests. Mizuki nods firmly from behind her.

"Ah, but you saw IT didn't you?" he asks, lazily.

"Eh? You can see it too?" Kahoko asks.

"Nope, that's just what the chairman told me to tell you." Kanazawa-sensei replies calmly.

"There must be some mistake." Mizuki states, a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Nope, it's the two of you alright."


The three occupants turn to the two third years walking up to them. "We got picked for the competition!" the green haired boy says excitedly.

"Since you're chairing the event, we thought we should introduce ourselves." says the other boy with pretty long purple hair.

"Oh!" the green haired boy exclaims, grabbing Kahoko's hands. "You must be one of the general ed. student! I'm Hihara Kazuki, and I play trumpet. I'm really glad they picked two Gen. Ed. students this year! What instrument do you play?" he asks quickly.

"Hihara, let her get a word in." says the other boy. "Gomen, I'm Yunoki Azuma, and I play flute."

Kahoko stares up at him in awe. Mizuki stands back, glad to be ignored. Those two seem rather overwhelming. "So what do you play?" Kazuki asks again.


"I hope it's not flute, or I'll have another rival." Azuma says sighing.

"Or is it trumpet?" asks Kazuki loudly.

"THIS IS ALL A MISUNDERSTANDING!!!!" Kahoko screams, a wind whirling around her before she dashes off. Mizuki sighs and walks passed the boys towards where Kahoko ran.

"Wh-what happened?" Kazuki asks, blinking like an owl. Mizuki waves her hand lazily.

"Don't worry about it." she sighs, a defeat tone laced in it.


It's now after school, and the Yukimuras and Kahoko are standing in a music room in front of Lili. Kahoko has just received her violin from Lili, staring at it stunned. She doesn't realize the pained and jealous look on Mizuki's face. "And for you, Yukimura Mizuki. . ."

"I can't play, Lili." Mizuki says, cutting him off.

"Don't worry this is a ma. . ."

"That won't help." she interrupts again. Her bangs cover her eyes as she holds her hands palms up. "The doctors. . . They've banned me from music forever. I can't play. No matter how much I want to." she whispers, her voice hoarse and breaking.

"Yukimura-chan," Kahoko whispers, suddenly feeling guilty about her new violin.

"But, you have to play!" Lili protests. "I need all of you to help spread the love of music to others!"

"Then let me sing." Mizuki replies. Kahoko and Lili look at her surprised. "My voice will be good enough to pass the competition. Just ... please, don't force me to play."

Lili nods reluctantly. "Alright."


Done! Thanks for reading and comment please! :)

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