After the moment of silence the rest of the girls chanted the first response of the mass while Cheryl and I just kind of stood there since we both didn't know the chant.

It was crazy how close our personalities were, we could've practically been the same person. The only thing that was different were our looks. Cheryl had vibrant viridescent eyes and dirty blonde hair while I had chocolate brown eyes and chestnut colored hair, but our complexion was the same and so was our height.

From the time we met in preschool till now was how long we had been best friends. The only reason I was even surviving here was solely because of her, I talked her into coming here with me and Agnes so we could still be close and all, I couldn't come here without my other half.

At the end of the first response we all sat down to hear the Word of God. There were some responses that followed after that, but I couldn't remember them, so I stayed quiet.

By this time I wasn't even paying attention, I was deep in thought about Jason.

With a beautiful face like that I'm sure plenty of girls liked him at one point or another, he was absolutely stunning. Why would he ever pick a life of no marriage and no sex? It just didn't add up.

Being fingered by a man had felt like the greatest feeling in the world, so I'm sure sticking your cóck in a girl was an even better feeling.

I was looking forward to learning more about him and I was also looking forward to snatching his innocence.

I know it was a sinful thought, especially in the home of the Lord, but I had never craved someone so much in all of my seventeen years of life. I wanted to touch him in places he couldn't even begin to imagine, I wanted him to spread my legs and force me to call him 'daddy' while he pounded his cóck into my tight hole on that fucking altar. I realize we aren't married, but I hoped he wouldn't mind a little consummation.

Focusing back on the service I looked around to see Cheryl and the rest of the girls were lining up to take communion, so I stood up as well and slipped behind Cheryl, waiting my turn patiently.

When Cheryl reached the front of the line Father Jason quickly stuck the small, circular, unleavened piece of bread in her mouth while I bowed my head minutes before approaching him.

Just before Cheryl had received her communion I noticed Father Jason's tattoo on his wrist just before he held the bread up to put in another girl's mouth. Maybe he wasn't as innocent as I thought.

"The body of Christ." Father Jason said, holding up the small piece of bread in the air before placing it in my own mouth.

"Love the tattoo." I smiled at him, chewing the bland piece of bread well before I sauntered away back to my seat. Since I was the last person to receive their communion I thought it would be appropriate to play with my new daddy, but his facial expression said otherwise.

When communion was over the altar servers did some small cleanup and Father Jason made a few remarks and we responded, he prayed with us and then we were dismissed to lunch.

Unfortunately, Cheryl and I were forced to collect the music books and put them away by Ms.Torres as punishment for talking earlier, so we had to stay a little late.

"What did you say to him after you took the bread?" She asked, setting each book on the shelf one by one.

"I told him I liked his tattoo." I said, placing another book back on the shelf.

"He looked like he lost his best friend or something. Pússy ass bitch."

"I know, it was only a harmless comment and he acted so offended by it." I said, rolling my eyes as I placed the last book on the shelf. I could already tell fucking with him would be so much fun.


During the lunch hour Cheryl and Penny gossiped about Father Jason. I didn't say much, I just listened to the conversation and focused on eating my lunch. I had been looking forward to lunch all day since Agnes told me they were serving hamburgers and french fries.

That's the only thing the bitch was useful for, giving me the lunch schedule.

"How old do you think Father Jason is Frannie? Cheryl thinks he looks thirty, but he looks more like twenty-two in my opinion." Penny asked, chomping down on the rest of her french fries.

"Twenty-two is too young, I would guess about twenty-five." I took a sip of my coke as I watched Penny and Cheryl continue to argue over his age.

"He looks young enough to be in our grade." Zavrina chimed in.

"Maybe," I shrugged my shoulders, "all I know is that he's gonna be my new man."

"Not if I get to him first." Agnes chuckled while finishing her food.

I didn't even have an answer for that stupid comment, so I didn't say anything at all. I just rolled my eyes and gathered my trash to throw it away.

I'd received several looks from all the girls, but I didn't give an ounce of a fuck. I hated Agnes and that was never gonna change, I was disgusted that I was even related to her. Every time I looked at her I wanted to throw up which was pretty sad since we used to be very close, but after what she did to my dad I could never forgive her. It made our whole group of friends uncomfortable when she even socialized with me because they all knew how much I hated her.

It sucked that we had to go to the same school, but all I could do was ignore her. I couldn't completely banish her from the group though because if I did then Zavrina would leave to be with her and I genuinely liked Zavrina.

Zavrina had actually entered my group through Agnes. Agnes befriended her on the first day of school, apparently they met in Agnes' sophomore art class.

Zavrina or Zav, for short was barely five foot. She had coffee colored hair, dark mahogany eyes and olive colored skin while her lips were stained a light peach.

She was one of the prettiest girls in the school and one of the only ones who had style. I lowkey admired her even though I hadn't talked to her much since she was my sister's friend.

After the lunch hour ended, things seemed to go by pretty fast; either that or I just wasn't paying attention because when Ms. Lopes' dismissed us to go "home," it seemed as if math was only in session for a few minutes, then again I didn't care about it too much since I was ready to go back to my dorm and sleep.

As I walked down the west wing of the long hallway to my dorm room I noticed something, something that caused me to stop dead in my tracks.


((kinda short n boring but I promise the next chapter will be very fulfilling lol))

ok so like at the beginning of the chapter you'll notice a different phrase in another language.

the phrases are in Latin so, tenebris phantasia: literally means "dark fantasy," according to google translate; pretty self explanatory I hope.

felix culpa: means "happy fault," according to my source, it was a popular Roman phrase back in the day and basically its like a terrible accident that turns out to have beneficial consequences ;) *smirks* OH;)



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