Stryker rocked him slowly until his gasps came with less frequency and air found a passage through to his lungs. Once regaining normal pace, Stryker removed the coat he wore and placed it on the floor. He gently settled Payne on top of it to cushion him from the cold hard slab below him. Finger's steadily whispered on Payne's skin. Feeling him. Making sure bones were not broken. It felt that perhaps a couple of Payne's ribs might be cracked but other than that and deep bruising he felt his little slave would be okay from his Carer's overbearing beating. 

This is it Stryker thought to himself. If he told Gideon that Payne would go to the Guards and accuse him of using such brute force against him, which is completely frowned upon, Gideon's reputation would be ruined. No one cared if the lessers such as the breeders, slaves and ponies were abused but a Carer is never encouraged to hurt his own Potential. Knowing the man could fly off the handle at any moment was one thing, but actually doing so. That is a whole other pile of beans. That was the first time after walking into Gideon's office habitat he smiled. This would work. He knew it in his soul. Then once the boy recovers he will be Stryker's toy pet until the need to throw him away occurred. Though Stryker honestly never thought that that need would ever arise. 

After Payne seemed less stressed Stryker brought him to the habitat he and Stone dwell's. 

After a few days of looking after his boy Stryker did not notice any tangible improvement. In fact, Payne became paler, weaker, less alert and less verbal as the days passed. Needless to say, concern struck him to the very core of his being. Which thinking back, was quite unusual for Stryker. Yes he had plenty of fuck things in his past. Many whom he cared for quite deeply he believed. But it seemed as if this feeling, this internal yearning for this boy was more, a lot more, than he has felt for anything or one, ever. His feelings to Stone were no where close to these emotions that reeked out of him when he thought of Payne. 

He stopped thinking about all the extreme crap for a moment. He needed to get a medic to check Payne out. Maybe that bastard Gideon caused some internal damage or bleeding. It is a shame that all the medical technology and advances that were achieved in the mid to late twenty first century were mostly all lost. Any documentation that was found after the dismantling of the country seemed few and far between. From texts Stryker read, medics know about as much as what people knew in the early twentieth century. 

Anything of usefulness that was ascertained after humans migrated out of shelters was hard to put to use because barely anything survived. Any form of energy took years to come by. Basically in the beginning everyone lived as if they were in the dark ages. No lights, technical gadgets or electricity was attainable because nothing was left. Everything they have now, which is not much, is due to discovery of items that were hidden and not touched by the onslaught of bombs and decay. Finding materials that made these items worked was a scavenger hunt. Thus medicine is not a most predictable and accessible science. The mid wives have hard times with delivering babies a lot due to complications not foreseen. Thus the population of The ENN is staggeringly low in number. And no one, unless The Powers actually know and not say, how many people survived in different parts of the world. 

Stryker left Payne curled up on the flat bed. Basically it consisted of a couple animal pelts thrown on to the floor. Not the most comfortable, but much more so than a human one that had the prickly hairs on it. He walked around the abode to see if he could find Stone. After several moments he walked into the sitting room and Stone was having a small bit of pog and beans. "Would you do me a favor?" Stryker asked. 

"Depends on the favor, boy." Stryker smirked with a hint of amusement in his tone. 

"Would you watch my boy? I need to hunt down a medic." He paused then muttered, "Hopefully there is one close by and available." 

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