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Stryker looked towards the seat across from him and relished the fact that it was unoccupied. Finally. Now on to something much much more important. His pet. Looking over at Payne, Stryker could not contain his mirth. This boy, not even twenty four hours ago, gave Stryker lip, pouted, and acted like a little spoiled brat. Now he is seated next to him, tied, head straight, eyes down, still and looking contrite. Stryker could not devise a more beautiful scene if he imagined one.  

Even though Stryker seemed thrilled at the moment, his brain worked at a dizzying pace. He wanted this object sitting before him. Wanted, wanted, so badly that thoughts of taking him to his old Community Terrain raced mercilessly through his bewildered mind. Stryker needed to find a way to manipulate Gideon into giving Payne to him. Why should such an exquisite creature be made into one of the lowest beings in The ENN? The only things lower than a male pony was a throwaway. Stryker needed to find a weakness to devastate Gideon. Maybe even just the thought of being humiliated would drop good old Mr. Gideon Justice down a rung or two and let Stryker take Payne and use him as he saw fit. 

Stryker looked at the pretty thing and dropped him a devesting smile. It did not matter that Payne was not looking at him. It was better that Payne did not see how much Stryker was enamored by him. Stryker would not lose his hold on his boy showing his weaker emotions. Stryker physically relaxed himself and stood up. He got next to Payne and undid his binds. Payne never moved after being unbound. From behind, Stryker bent down and whispered to Payne. "Such a good, good boy you are. Get on your hands and knees and follow me."  

Payne listened to this man's instructions and heard loud and clear that there would be no debating his wishes. In the back of his mind he knew Stryker would punish him dearly if he did not abide the request. Slowly Payne made himself slide off the chair and onto the ground. He wobbled on to his knees, turned so he would see Stryker's position, dropped his hands to the floor and crawled, following Stryker. 

Stryker needed to glance behind him in order to see the sweet sight of this entity, debased and in his control. Before Stryker turned to face forward his cock was firmly pressed against his pants in discomfort. But he adjusted himself and walked to his sleeping room, knowing Payne was not far behind. 

Once he was halfway in the room, Stryker stopped, turned around and waited for his pet. Payne halted before him, still on hands and knees and waited for further instruction.  

While Payne walked behind Stryker he had a discussion with himself. Strange, yes. But this impulse in Payne to submit needed addressing. He did not want to talk to Tieran about his feelings. He knew Tieran would never let Payne dehumanize himself for this man. Even though Payne could not fathom why he was enamored by Stryker he just was not ready for a lecture he knew his friend would give.  

Just the other day he needed to be the one busting someone's balls, showing them who was boss. His mind reeled with mixed feelings about the situation at hand. Just being in this man's force field made him want to lose all control. Be consumed and manipulated anyway Stryker saw fit. He never felt this way around another single being. Not even the almighty Gideon Justice brought this feeling of absolute obsequiousness to him. And Gideon is a force to reckon with because he would pound you into next week if you so much as look at him wrong. 

Before Payne could dwell anymore on his growing servile attitude toward Stryker he heard the low timber of his Master's voice. 

"Get up to your knees, pet. Slowly release my throbbing cock. Stroke it languidly. Get to know how it reacts to your dulcet touch. Make it swell to heights I could never imagine. Finally, open that slutty fevered mouth and wrap those plump lips around your Master and devour what you know you want." Stryker ended his demands in a state of such impending need and lust Payne got lost in his Master's urgency. Payne began his quest to conquer the acts Stryker set forth. Thus hoping to quell the frenzy that forged into him by his Master's words 

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