Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning


"Is everything okay?" Tori asked, walking into the room. "I heard someone yelling."

"It was just an idiot," Kevin responded, laughing when Avi punched his arm. "Thank you for checking on us."

"No problem," Tori replied, smiling at Avi. She winked happily. "See you later, Avi."

She then left and Avi sat down, a big smile on his face. Mitch clapped excitedly, happy for the Alpha. Scott smiled and took a deep breath, yelling out:


"Great, now Scott is doing it. Nice going, Avi."

"You're welcome, Kevin."


Alyssa smiled when she saw Mitch writing down something and making sure that he didn't spell anything wrong. She then took out a dictionary and gave it to Mitch. He then looked up at her, confused.

"Why are you giving me your dictionary?" Mitch asked softly. Alyssa opened it to a random page, reading over the words.

"It's yours."

"I can't take it," Mitch responded, closing the book. "Beta Alyssa, it's yours."

"It's okay," Alyssa reassured, smiling softly. "You need it more than I do. Besides, I read it more than four times."

Mitch nodded, opening to a random page. The first word he saw was 'love'. He sighed as he read the definition. He closed his eyes, thinking one thing.

Why has no one told me they love me?


Scott walked into the hospital room, smiling when he saw Mitch's sleeping form. A memory then came back, an emotional one.


"Yes, Allie?"

"Will you still love me when I die?"

"Of course! Allie, I love you. I love more than I love Beyoncé."

"Wow. That's a lot. I love you too."

"I'll love you forever and forever, my Dorothy."

"I'll love you forever and forever too, my Scarecrow."

Scott bit his lip, remembering the first he realized that he truly loved Alex. He then widened his eyes, realizing something. Something that took him too long to admit in his opinion.

I love Mitch. I love Mitch. I love Mitch.

He then walked up to the Omega, shaking him slightly. The Omega woke up, rubbing his eyes. When he saw that Scott was the one who woke him up, he smiled and sat up.

"Yes, Prince Erik?" Mitch asked, giggling slightly. Scott wondered how one could be so happy after sleeping. "Are you okay? Are you lonely? I'll stay up and talk to you."

"No, I'm fine. I have something to tell you though," Scott began, taking Mitch's hands. Mitch nodded, smiling cutely. "I haven't said this for a little while."

Mitch once more, noticing how Scott's hands squeezed his. He wondered what his Mate had to say. He hopes that it's nice. What Scott said was more than nice and it made Mitch's heart beat a bit faster.

"I love you."

Mitch widened his eyes, his heart no longer feeling broken. Pieces of his heart got back together. His breathing hitched and his eyes teared up. He began to cry, his sobs quiet. Scott then put his fingers under his chin, causing them to make eye contact.

"What's the matter?" Scott murmured, his blue eyes full of love, an emotion Mitch has never experienced before. "You could tell me."

"Tell me you love me again. Please," Mitch begged, tears running down his cheeks rapidly. Scott nodded, smiling slightly.

"I love you."

"Again, please."

"I love you."

"Please keep repeating it."

"I love you, I love you, I love you."

Mitch heard Scott keep on saying it until he got to the point were he was inconsolable. Scott stopped and hugged him tightly.

"You could stop if you want to," Mitch managed to say through the tears. "I understand if you're tired of saying it."  

Scott then kisses his nose gently and rested his forehead on his. The two of them kept eve contact, refusing to look away.

"I will never get tired of saying that I love you."

And in that moment, Mitch finally became fully content.

A/N: This is probably the most emotional chapter I wrote so far. Also, this book is less than 300 votes away to 1K! I'll keep writing this until I get there! Even then, I'll keep writing this until I decide to stop this. The drama is near though so look out.;) I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please, please, please remember that I love you all....forever and forever.:)


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