The Feast

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I wake up to leaves crunching. I hear a cannon boom.

I look around from my position in the tree. I see the careers. Or what's left of them. Cato and Clove. District two careers of course, they'd be the last of their allies.

I scoff. But quickly cover my mouth and my eyes go wide.

They stop in their tracks. They look at each other and nod. Then they split. Cato goes to the left. Clove goes to the right.

Once they get out of sight I jump from the tree and run. I run until I hear an announcement.

"Attention. Attention tributes! There will be a feast. Not any ordinary feast, everybody needs something. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour."

I run to the cornucopia and hide. I wait until the tables come up but then when they do I run and grab my bag.

But then I see Clove. She throws a knife and it scrapes my forehead.

Then I shoot and she ducks and pushes me so she's on top of me.

"Girl on fire." She says smirking.

I try pushing her off but I can't.

"Sad isn't it? First we kill your little friend. What's her name? Rue. Then we kill you." She says.

"Where should we start?" She asks and grabs a knife from the many knives in her coat and goes to start at my forehead for a long painful death.

But then I see thresh and he grabs her as she yells for Cato and kills her.

"Just this once Twelve!" He yells at me.

"For Rue." He says and nods his head and runs.

I then grab my bag and run.

I hear two cannon go off and I hear yelling.

I'm at the edge of the woods in a tree and see a Cato looking at Clove.

"You were weak!" He yells at her lifeless body and takes the bag from the feast and runs into the woods by my tree.

He lays down in some bushes and falls asleep.

I look at my bag and open it to find a note and medicine.


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Catoniss: Love UnnamedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang