Fifth Story: Car Driver

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"So, where was I?" Chris faked not knowing where he was in the storytelling, hoping that could save him from telling the story.

"You were about to tell the story about you and Mommy and the car" Silena was glad to help, especially if that meant that she wasn't going to sleep anytime soon, ignoring the look on her father's face.

"Thank you, Sil" he grumbled, but Silena chose to ignore it, while Clarisse watched with a smirk.

"You're welcome. Now, tell it!"

"Alright, alright! Bossy like your Mommy..." Chris raised his hands in defeat "So, that particular day, I had invited your Mommy out for a date, but I had no idea what to do... You see, your Mommy doesn't like the normal dates, with chocolates and flowers and stuff..."

"But, chocolate is good, Mommy!" Silena stared at her mother, surprised "Aunt Piper says a little chocolate is good for the heart..." she announced, proud, and placing both hands on her chest.

"I'm gonna tell your Aunt Piper to stop feeding you chocolate..." Clarisse decided "Makes you hyperactive..."

"Off tracks!" Chris interrupted the upcoming argument, with a smirk. Silena stopped focusing on her mother and turned to Chris "Anyway, I was thinking what we could do, when I remembered that there was a cool laser tag arcade in the city..."

"Sounds super fun!" Silena stated, squeaking.

"Of course, I thought the same" Chris winked at Silena "Unfortunately for me, I had been thinking ideas for this date, since I invited your Mommy and, I didn't have the time to do the most important thing..."

"What was that, Daddy?"

"He had forgotten to ask Chiron for permission to leave camp" Clarisse helped him, smirking. Until this day, she still remembers how sneaking Chris had been. Upon Silena's confused face, Clarisse saw the need to explain "You know who Chiron is, right?"

"Yeah! Is that old guy in the wheelchair that always come home to visit us!" Silena answered, with a very obvious 'duh' tone "I'm not stupid..."

"Silena Rodriguez, I never want to hear that word from your mouth again" Chris scolded her, with a slight serious face "You never were, you aren't and you'll never be stupid, alright?" Silena nodded, understanding the rules "Alright, you can continue"

"Like I need to ask you for permission..." Clarisse argued, which was absolutely true. Chris rolled his eyes, but kept quiet "Well, when we were living at Camp, Chiron was in charge of us, like a councilor, which meant that we couldn't leave camp without his authorization..."

"That didn't stop a few to leave without permission..." Chris butted in, smirking at Silena.

"True" Clarisse agreed "And you know how some of them ended..."

"Grounded?" Silena supplied, curious.

"Eh, somehow..." Clarisse opted to say. Silena had heard that some of their friends had died or gone missing, what was different this time? Clarisse was not sure, maybe it was the time of year "Anyway, when your, um... Daddy, told me about this cool place, I obviously wanted to try it myself-"

"Obviously" Silena repeated, using her 'duh' voice again.

"-but I ignored that him didn't ask for permission. Actually, he was acting so confident and sure that I assumed he had asked for permission!"

"Hey! It worked out in the end!" Chris complained.

"I ended cleaning dishes after dinner for a month, thanks to you!"

"I was there too, if your recall correctly!" Chris reminded her, before faking a huff and turning to Silena "Anyway, once I had convinced your Mommy to come out with me, which didn't require much convincing, by the way..."

"Punk..." Clarisse warned Chris, who simply raised his hands. Silena smirked and hugged her stuffed Toothless.

"So, one things I had forgotten as well was the fact that, while we could get there walking, there were soo many miles to to so in the way back!" Chris continued, like if the interruption hadn't occurred "So, I had the brilliant idea-"

"Most stupid idea ever"

"-to borrow a car!"

"You mean, to steal a car" Clarisse corrected him "Face it, punk. You kept it when we got back and even lend the keys to those who had to go on quests later on!"

"Um, Daddy...?" Silena frowned, in deep thinking "Back then, did you know how to drive...?" Chris had the decency of blushing a little, while rubbing his back neck.

"Back then, well... I wasn't the best driver..."

"That means he sucked and no, he didn't know how to drive. We had a few accidents, and how could I forget the races we did when the police caught on us" Clarisse shut him up, earning a giggling daughter.

"Phew! I was worry for a second..."

"What you mean by that, Sil?" Chris asked, curious. It was Silena's turn to blush slightly.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe, when I learn when I'm bigger, I won't be as good as you two..." she recognized, smiling. It was obvious that her parents were her heroes and wanted to be like them "So, I need to learn!"

"Don't worry, Sil... You'll be better than Mommy and I someday..." Chris praised her, hugging her. Clarisse even smirked at her.

"Better than me, I'm not sure-"


"-but a second place, without a doubt"

"Besides, no one can do better than Mommy!" Silena nodded along with her.

"Hey! What about me?!" Chris whined, upset "I can do things she can't!"

"You're different, Daddy" Silena said, like if that explained the universe "Mommy is better in the way she does things and you're better in the way you do things..."

"That makes-"

"-absolutely sense, Sil" Chris completed for Clarisse, before she could say something she'd regret "Gods, you're growing up so fast..."

"Yeah, it feels like it was yesterday that we moved in... I can still feel the kicking she gave me when she was inside..." Clarisse rubbed her belly, like if it's still hurt. Silena, not ignorant that babies didn't came from Paris by a stork or from inside a cabbage, looked at them curious.

"You never told me that story..."

"We promise to tell you the story another day-"

"No! Now!" she insisted, with a small pout. Chris shared a look with Clarisse, who sighed in resognation.

"Well, that story comes after we first moved in... That one, is a story itself..."

Christmas' Eve Story Time.... Chrisse style!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora