First Story: Switching Maimer

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"OK, so..." Chris started the story, gaining the attention of a very-interested-and-not-very-willing-to-go-to-sleep daughter "When I arrived to Camp, Mommy had been there for many years-"

"You made me sound old, punk" Clarisse interrupted, crossing her arms. Silena giggled.

"Excuse me, but you were in Camp for almost three years already!" Chris argued, looking at her, showing her three fingers "You were a veteran, if you ask me..."

"No one did, so..." Clarisse gestured him to zip it.

"Daddy's right, Mommy. Three years is a lot!!" Silena took her father's side, showing her own fingers. Clarisse rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Whatever you say, munchkin" Clarisse settled.

"As I was saying..." Chris gave Clarisse a look that said 'don't interrupt me' "...she had been in Camp for three years and I was the new guy... Everything was different!" Chris exaggerated, for the sake of the story "There was a lake, some stables, a rock-climbing mountain... It was looked just like a summer camp, but for me it was new, because I've never been to one..."

"You didn't?" Silena asked, curious. Suddenly, she gasped and covered her mouth with her tiny hands "Sorry, I interrupted you..." Chris chuckled and took her hands off her mouth.

"Don't worry, you can ask..." he assured her "Anyway, this place was huge! It even had a forest, with the tallest trees I'd ever seen!" Silena's eyes opened wide open while she gaped at her father "I was anxious to know all this new place, all the people that could be my friends and make pranks..."

"But, you had to pass the welcome committee" Clarisse pipped in, not willing to miss this part to tell. Chris snorted and looked at her "What?"

"Don't say it like that" Chris suggested her "Or when our siblings bring their kids, she'll do the same"

"Do what?" Silena wondered, intrigued "I wanna know! I wanna know!!"

"Gods, Silena!" Clarisse complained because of her demands. Silena simply pouted and crossed her arms, leaning back on the bed "Fine, fine..." Clarisse agreed "When we were in Camp, being part of the welcome committee meant that you should show the new guy the toilets" Silena frowned before nodding.

"Like when you showed it to Uncle Percy?" Both Chris and Clarisse stared at Silena, surprised, who shrugged in reply "Uncle Percy told me the story..."

"What did Uncle Percy exactly told you?" Chris questioned, raising an eyebrow. Silena fidgeted around, uncomfortable.

"Well, he said he wanted to go to the toilet and he asked Mommy for directions..." Chris could see the gears moving inside his wife's head before this new information "That she took him there and, because he didn't know who his Daddy was then, he made the toilet exploded and wet Mommy!" Chris suppressed a smile when he saw Clarisse shocking face "He said that's why Mommy doesn't like him... very much"

"Well..." Chris didn't know what to add to that, because that's exactly why Clarisse and Percy didn't get along in the beginning. They grew to tolerate each other, but they're not 'buddy-buddies'.

"That's what happened" Clarisse stated. Chris kept quiet and listened to her "For your, em, Daddy..." Clarisse had trouble calling Chris 'Daddy'. For her, he'll always be 'Chris', 'Rodriguez', 'punk' or 'mad idiot' "That was different. You see..." Clarisse leaned a little bit closer to Silena "When you spend so much time at that Camp, you know when someone is good or bad... When someone is smart or silly... Even when someone is funny or not. And, he, was a prankster from the start" she pointed at Chris, who smirked.

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