Bury Your Heart

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The atmosphere in the car on the ride to the doctor's appointment was solemn and apprehensive. There was music turned on to try to distract both of the occupants from the heavy atmosphere. And it worked, for a time. Then, a song came on that made Adri cry. Her mother quickly changed the station to try to calm her down. She didn't want another suicide attempt.

The doctor's appointment lasted longer than usual, but it ended with Adri silently screaming at the sky. The ride home was equally solemn, but instead of apprehension, the air was heavy with the weight of the doctor's diagnosis. Simply put, she's terminal. A new disease, a new parasite that the doctors have never seen. More tests will have to be done, but for now she just has to go home and live her life.

When she gets home, she quickly texts her friend what she found out before going outside to discuss it with her other friends. When she tells them, they react as one would expect two close friends to. They blame themselves, but, as our Mourning Star assures them, it's not theirs. If anything, she silently says, it is hers. It probably was caused by an infection of the cuts she gave herself while trying to commit suicide.

After the matter is dealt with, she turns on a song. The song is sad, but not overly so, and it spurs one of the friends to draw her into a slow dance, with him crying. She reluctantly follows him in the dance, and soon begins to cry as well. And there she receives her first kiss. It was sloppy and hesitant, but it was the right thing to do.

In reality, she was going to commit suicide that night. But, her friend making that spur of the moment decision, it saved her. She ran away, making him think he did something wrong. But he didn't. She ran home, and locked herself in her room. Then, she began cutting. She began cutting because she felt overwhelmed, and wanted temporary peace. She stopped and dressed the wounds when she began to feel a bit woozy, and went to bed. She didn't want to face her mother after what she did.

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