Chapter Twenty-One: Let Me Explain

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Me: What the hell are you doing here?

T: Look, I know I messed up and I'm sorry.

Me: How the hell did you get in my house?

T: Ty let me in.

Me: I don't know why. I'm sorry, but we don't let cheaters into our house.

T: Baby, please listen to me.

Me: Don't call me baby. As of today, I am not your baby.

T: Come on YN, I'm sorry for everything.

Me: I don't need your sorry alright? I trusted you, while the girls were skeptical about you. Three years and you wanted to do this? I don't even want to hear you right now.

T: I know I broke your heart and I totally regret doing that to you.

Me: You did wrong, you pay the price. How am I going to trust you again? Everyone knows that you're Trey Songz, Mr. Steal Yo' Girl. But I didn't care about that when I went out with you. I don't even want to see you.

T: YN, please don't do this. I did you wrong and I want to fix it.

Me: You can't fix it Tremaine!

I go towards the door, taking my necklace off, and open the door.

Me: Bye, Trey.

He makes his way out and I put the necklace in his pocket. He looks at me and leaves. I close the door and lay on my bed. Lexi walks in and sees me.

L: Are you alright sweetie?

Me: No.

She hugs me and I hug back.

Me: I can't believe I gave him a chance.

L: Even though what he did was wrong, you know you don't regret being with him. I can tell he made you feel special.

Me: I guess you are right.

The girls walk in as I smile and they hug me.

D: You're strong and independent.

They all nod as I smile.

Me: Yes I am; We all are.

L: Get some rest.

I get under the covers as they leave my room.

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