Chapter One Diana

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I dedicate this chapter to bluecoolicecream because they are amazing. xD


"Paige, I don't care what you think of me," I replied. "I don't care how much of a goody two-shoes you think I am."

"Oh, but you would never not care! You always get your homework done right away, always help teachers, never-"

Paige Glaser was cut off by my scream.

She looked horrified. She must know anything I fear should be feared by all. She can taunt me all she wants, but she knows how much intellect I have obtained throughout my lifetime.

"LOOK!" I pointed to two birds—an owl and a raven—divebombing toward us. "WE DON'T EVEN HAVE OWLS IN THIS TOWN, MUCH LESS IN THE MORNING—"

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER!!! RUN!!!!" screamed Paige.

It still didn't make sense to me, but I made a quick break for it. I searched for a deliverance, only to come up empty. Our school bus stop was just at the edge of my driveway. Alas, my house was far back. I decided to run after Paige, whom was running into the street. They were about to reach us, and our meeting was inevitable.

I felt a long scratch on my back. I turned to find the owl was on me and the raven on Paige. It scratched every place it could, very aggressively, it—had regret in its eyes? Then why was it attacking me so lethally?

I heard the faint scream of Paige. I coughed blood. "Paige!" I yelled weakly.

"Diana!" she called back. It seemed like it was from another universe. Her mouth was clearly covered with something, too; I think the raven was almost in her mouth.

"What is going on!?" I cried.

When I heard no reply, I looked over to Paige to find she was unconscious. Not dead, as I saw her chest rising and falling, but not conscious.

"Paige!? Paige!!!" I wailed.

The last thing I saw was a bus whirling around the corner as golden and white plumage and black plumage soared away.


"Diana!" I heard a distant wail. "Diana, wake up! It's okay!"

I woke up in a hospital bed next to a vacant one, which I assumed was Paige's, whom was sitting next to me on my bed.

Her black hair was flowing free, which was weird. I'm used to her hair up in a ponytail. Her round cheeks were covered in bandages and red marks and scratches that seemed to vary from beak and talon scratches. A few even had stitches.

"Are you okay?" I croaked.

"Me?" Paige asked, astonished. "What about you? You hardly had treatment yet, and you can hardly talk!"

I suddenly felt all the pain. It made me throw up over the side of the bed. Paige looked worried. She leaned in really close.

"Hey—don't think I'm crazy, but... Something's up. I... I feel weird. If I want to, I can hear conversations outside this room." She leaned in closer. "I... They said I healed quicker than they predicted."

"So? Plenty of people heal quicker than others—"

"Don't you get it? I can hear really well. I can smell, feel, see, even taste better—"

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