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I twirled around in the empty apartment. This could be it. This could be the one. I could see myself living here.

It was big, airy, and very cozy. The only problem was all of the glass. It was a lot of glass windows and a pure glass wall. This is a danger in tornado infested Oklahoma.

I nodded to my father and it was decided that I would move in tomorrow. Living with my mom was hard, but I was going to miss it.

It was going to be hard knowing that Damian wasn't across the street anymore, too. Our relationship was going steady even though we didn't label what we were. He wasn't my boyfriend and I wasn't his girlfriend. I was happy to just go with the flow. I dialed the familiar number and hoped the person would pick up.


"What are you doing?"

"Nothing important. What's up?"

"I just got my new apartment."

"You still there?"


"Text me the address."

We got off of the phone and I texted them the address. I plopped down on the stool in the kitchen and texted Dianna. The blonde had went back to Cali but she missed to Oklahoma life.

The knock on the door startled me but I wasn't surprised to see Damian.


I kissed him on the lips before pulling him inside.

"This is nice."

"I know. I can't wait to get all of my stuff here. It's pretty cramped in my mom's house."

"Because of all the things you buy in a day."

"Fuck you, Damian."


"When I get my bed here."

"I'm holding you to that!"

"Okay. Well, I'll be waiting."

I pulled him over to the glass wall. I loved watching the weather change. It changes every ten minutes. It always keep you on your toes. Just waiting for it to do something spectacular was amazing. I would be starting school soon and I couldn't wait.

"I'm gonna miss you."

"Aww baby...."

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I stared up at the man that had scruffy cheeks. I dragged my fingertips down his facial hair. It felt weird because his cheeks used to feel baby soft.

"....I'm gonna miss you."

"Are you gonna stay at me place?"

"Are you gonna stay here?"

"If you'll have me."

"I'm a permanent fixture in your house now. I don't need permission from you."



He pushed me up against the wall and placed kisses all over my face. My legs wrapped around his waist and I grinded down on him.

"The first time we have sex..."

He put me down and I caught my balance. I wanted to pout but I kept myself in control.

"...will be in a bed. Not just a quick fuck up against the wall."

"What if I want that?"

"Then, you'll have to wait."

He slowly let me down from the wall and I pouted. I pushed myself up against him while reaching for his crotch.

"I do have to go back to work."

"Fuck me before you go."

"I don't want to fuck you. Yet."



He grabbed his coat and kissed my head before leaving. I let out an irritated sigh before leaving myself. I needed to get a moving crew, hired, help an-...

A manilla envelope laid on the welcome mat outside of my apartment. I looked around before picking it up. It didn't have a name so I opened it.

A shape edge of what felt like a picture grazed my finger. I pulled my hand out and looked inside of it. It was pictures. Why would someone leave pictures here?

Curiosity got the best of me and I pulled them out. My breath caught in my throat at what I saw. Tears welled and I felt the lump in my throat. I wanted to cry. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to just run away and hide, but I couldn't.

These pictures could ruin everything. These pictures could ruin my life. I wanted to call my mom, but what could she say? This was something I got myself into. This was something I had to deal with.

I hadn't even told Damian. I hadn't even told Damian. Who did this? Who could have know about this? No one should have but me...and Dianna.

I put the pictures back in the envelope and ran to my car. Whoever had these pictures could still be around.

All I could think about now was the pictures beside me. The pictures that showed me having sex with one of my professors.


Hey guys!! I'm sorry for the long wait!! I had writers block and it was horrible so after this hopefully I'll be back on a regular schedule!!! The day for this book will be Monday!!! Thanks for reading!!! Smooches!!!

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