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I curled into Damian's chest and cried. One of the most important people in my life was pissed at me. My mom was my rock and she was fucking livid at me.

"It's gonna be okay."

Soft hands rubbed my back and I moved closer to the large man. His radiated heat. Pure heat from all of his muscles.

He hummed softly as I breathed in his manly scent. I pulled away from him and grabbed my bag. Dianna was gone. Where? I don't know but I needed to talk to her.

"Where are you going?"

I gave him a quick peck on the lips. I fumbled with my keys for a second.

"Wanna come with me?"

"Sure. Can we pick up Liam while we're out?"


We loaded up into my car and I drove slowly. So many thoughts were swirling around in my head.

It was quiet in the automobile and I was comforted by his presence.

"Call from Dad."

I frowned at the car wondering what my dad would be calling from. Damian raised an eyebrow at me before I finally answered the call.

"Answer call."


"Yes Dad?"

"Your mother called me. She sounds upset."

"She called you? I'm surprised."

"Persephone, I know that we don't know each other very well. I missed most of your childhood and I know that I'm not the best parent, but I am worried about you."

"She told you?"

"Yes, but we don't have to talk about it."

Damian was in here for the conversation. Well, this is about to be awkward. I barely acknowledged Damian's hand on my thigh squeezing lightly.

"She's mad at me, but I don't think I did anything wrong."

"She thinks of you as her little girl, Persephone. You're still gonna be her baby no matter how old."

"But I'm grown! I'm old enough to make my own decisions! I messed around with an older guy that isn't married! I don't see what the big deal is."

"He was there when you were five years old."


I didn't think about it like that. He was there when I was a little girl. Hell, I've spent more time with Damian than my own father.

"Now, I've met the boy and I think he's a great man for you. He's established, he's older, and he can take care of you so you don't have to do all of that storm stuff you want to do."

"Dad, but..."

"Your mother knows this. She's even said that he's perfect for you. She'll come around eventually if you really want him."


"I have to go."

The dial tone filled the very awkward car.

"Well, at least I have your dad's permission."

I keep my eyes on the road. This was a game changer. My parents actually approved of Damian. We could start this relationship in complete happiness.

But could we?

It would always be the threat of Layla coming back and people wouldn't always approve of our relationship.

Older guy and younger woman. Black girl and white man. It would always be someone to turn their nose up at us for different reasons.

"Hey, you're thinking too much."

I glance over at Damian. My eyes dart back to the road. Maybe I am thinking too much into this. Maybe, Damian and I can make this work. I went to reply when I noticed a head of familiar blonde hair in a deep conversation

I pulled over to the store and got out. They didn't see me and I wasn't going to make my presence known. She kept telling the person to leave. They wouldn't and they kept on saying how they wanted to see me.

"What are you talking to her for?"

Dianna turned around and seemed almost glad to see me. Damian was still in the car probably wondering what was going on. Layla wearing the most innocent expression on her face merely looked at me.

"Nothing! I was just asking your friend here about Cali."

"No you weren't! You were trying to bribe me into getting Percy to go back. Trust me if you ex wanted you back, you would be with him. He's moved on now. You left him anyway."

"Percy is just a child! She doesn't understand what a real man needs!"

"A real man deserves better than you!"

"Layla, why are you here? Damian doesn't want you anymore. We're together and we're happy. What's the point of you being here?"

"Austin doesn't approve."

"Austin hasn't said anything."

"I'm his mother. He tells me stuff."

I rolled my eyes and pulled on Dianna's arm.

"Let's leave this ignorant bitch before I catch a charge."

"Layla! I told you to stay away from her!"

We all jumped when Damian made his presence known. I thought he was still in the car. Where is my head at today?

"I told you on the phone to stay away from Persephone and her friend. What is wrong with you?"

"Don't you see she's ruining you Damian?! You aren't the same man that you used to be when you were with me! We can start our family again and you'll change back once you get that whore out of your life."

"I know you just didn't call my daughter a whore!"

Where did my mother come from? I watched as the petite lady marched straight up to Layla and she smacked her.

"My daughter have made some mistakes in her life, but who hasn't? You were the one that left Damian, and you were the one that didn't take your child. She's not a whore and if anyone is a whore here it's you. You cheated on Damian the whole time you were here. You best leave of you don't want to get your ass beat in the parking lot."

I watched with wide eyes as Layla hurriedly walked away and turned back to my mom.

"You didn't tell me you were that badass mom!"

"I thought you already knew."


Hey guys!!!! I hope you like this drama filled chapter!! Do y'all think Layla is gonna stay gone? Thanks for reading!!!! Smooches!!!

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