After a couple of seconds, Luke put on his coat and gloves before picking up his bag and walked over to Calum. He led the older man out of the classroom and they walked in silence in the empty hallway.

When they were outside of the school, Calum looked at Luke with a shiver since it was cold. "Do you want to ride with me or do you want to take your car?"

"I'll just take my car so when we leave you don't have to drop me off." Luke answered, opening the passenger seat and throwing his bag into it. "You can lead the way?"

"Yeah, just follow my car." Calum nodded, walking back to his car and getting inside of it.

Luke got into his car and started it up. Once he saw Calum beginning to drive out of the parking lot, the blonde began to follow him. The drive to the beach wasn't that far but Luke was really confused.

Why did Calum randomly come to the school and ask if Luke wanted to go to the beach? It was a weird way to ask someone to hang out. Luke didn't mind, Calum was a cool guy but it was just confusing in some way to Luke.

After a couple of minutes, Calum's car turned a corner which lead to the beach parking lot. Luke followed the car and parked next to the tan man before getting out with a sigh. The blonde stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked up to Calum who was waiting for him.

"I think we should take off our shoes so sand doesn't get in them." Calum suggested, already taking off his shoes.

Luke nodded and did the same, but he stumbled a little when trying to stand on one foot. He felt himself almost falling down but he felt a hand gripping at his arm. Luke balanced himself and thanked Calum when he had both of his shoes off.

Both men began walking to the beach. The sand was hard at first but then became softer and squishy. Luke was thanking god that it wasn't sunny outside because the sun would be burning the sand and burning his feet.

It was now an hour later and the sun was down. The only light was the lights house which was far away from them. Both men were now sitting on the sand, facing the ocean and watching the waves. It was very peaceful and it was quiet.

They've been playing twenty questions for the past hour to get to know each other more. But, it led to almost a hundred questions. They ran out of question by the time it got dark outside.

"So, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?" Calum asked out of the blue, turning his head to Luke who was still watching the waves flow softly.

"Nothing, really. I'm not visiting anyone since my parents want me to come for Christmas and no one is coming to visit me. I'm probably going to order Chinese take out and watch Charlie Brown movies." Luke replied, looking at Calum with a sigh.

"That sounds interesting. It sounds better than actually cooking for a bunch of people. I would rather be alone than with my family on the holidays." Calum confessed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Really? Why?"

"Let's just say, this year is not my year."

Luke just nodded and looked back at the waves. He pulled his knees close to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs. "The waves are so small. They're usually so big."

Calum nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think it's because of the weather. I'm not a weatherman so I'm just assuming."

The blonde held his wrist up to check the time. He groaned softly to himself when seeing it was almost his bed time. Yes, Luke had a bedtime but school was the next day and if he didn't go to bed at a certain time, he wouldn't wake up at the right time.

"I have to go." Luke sighed, standing up from the sand and patting the side of his thighs.

"Oh shit, I have to go to." Calum gasped when looking at the time on his phone. He stood up also with Luke's help.

Both men rushed to their cars, occasionally tripping over the sand. Luke leaned against the back of his car to put his shoes back on, Calum copying his actions. Once they both had their shoes on, Calum glanced at him before walking over to his car. "I had a good time. It was nice."

"Me too. Maybe we can do it again?" Luke suggested, a hint of hope in his voice and it was in his eyes.

"I would like that. See you soon, Luke." Calum whispered, walking over to his car and opening the driver's seat.

"See you soon." Luke smiled before getting inside of his car and began to drive off.

This chapter is actually important to the story, you'll see soon my loves.

I literally laughed out loud when I saw your guys' reactions when I said that Luke wasn't dominant.

Let me know your thoughts :)


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