"I'm fine, little guy." I wheezed out before setting my elbow on the floor and sat up, letting Pio slide onto my lap and hauled him up so that I can face Cali who stood there awkwardly.

"You must be Cali," I put on my most welcoming smile that always does the trick for kids. She nodded shyly.

"She's my sister," Pio piped up, not wanting to be left out and I let out a small laugh at his response before nodding.

I stretched a hand out and she looked back at her mom who nodded with an amused smile before looking back at me uncertainly and shook my hand. "I'm Cassandra, but you can call me Case," I introduced and she inspected my face with large doe-like eyes.

"Are you Adam's girlfriend?" I heard Adam choke on air behind me and I almost followed suit but caught myself and coughed awkwardly instead.

A laugh from Carla made me sent a joking glare at her and she raised her hands in surrender, gesturing to her daughter as if to say that she had nothing to do with it.

"Err- no, sweetheart. I'm his friend," I tried to coax her into believing my words but it was all in vain as she scrutinizing gaze flitted between me and Adam.

"But you're a girl doesn't that make you his girlfriend?" I was conflicted as to how I was going to answer that question. She's got a point and how old was she again? 5? She can't possibly have known anything about those sort of stuff, right?

Lucky for me, Adam interrupted and dealt with his sister, saving my butt and explained to her on our.. Well, whatever it is that we've got going on between us.

Carla caught my stare and she motioned for me to come to her so I carried Pio, settling him on my hip, and strolled over to where she was sitting.

"Hi Carla, how are you feeling?" I asked her softly, sitting down on the stool beside her bed and setting Pio on my lap while he played with a strand of my hair, busying himself.

She chuckled, gesturing to her being with her hand, "I'm breathing."

I laughed weakly with her and she caught on, reaching out and caressing my face in a motherly way.

"Don't worry about me dear, if it's my time then I'll go. We can't escape death and I'm not scared of death. When the time comes, I'll welcome it as if it was a friend."

Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes and her gaze flickered towards Pio who was sitting on my lap then at Preston who was on his phone, playing something that suspiciously looks like cooking mama and to Cali and Adam.

"All I'm afraid of is my kids' future and how they'll cope after I pass," she sighed as she turned to me. "I'm sure that Jerry is going to take care of them," I watched as her husband gave her a small smile and a reassuring squeeze of the hand before she breathed in the air and closing her eyes before opening them once more and looked into my eyes, "but I'm just worried for them."

I pursed my lips, not liking how this conversation is turning out. She's talking like she's about to die and the way she's looking at her kids and her husband, the way she breathes the air, it's like it's going to be her last time doing all those thing.

It's as if any second now, she'll close her eyes and take that final breath.

Suddenly, she angled her body towards me and dropped her voice and I know what she was going to ask before she said it.

"You remembered what you promised me, don't you?" Her forehead creased and the worry lines made themselves visible under the room's light.

I nodded solemnly and she sighed, "Thank you."

Just like that, it was as if nothing happened and half an hour later, Adam and I had to go back home because we had some assignments and projects to finish for tomorrow. After saying goodbye to the rest of them, we exited the room quietly.

The door closed shut with a silent click and Adam turned to me and frowned once he caught a glimpse on my face.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and plastered a forced smile. Adam's frown deepened but he decided to drop it and I gave out an inaudible sigh as he led the way to the elevator.

I dug into my pocket and felt for the soft surface of the object, reassuring myself that I still have it.

I don't know what this has got to do with anything and I sure as hell don't want to find out.



What do you think did Carla ask Casey to do?

I can't pick between a lot of scenarios and I'm loosing ideas. PM me if you got anything in mind.

Oh and I wanted to welcome a friend to wattpad. Welcome to the app that's going to deprive you of social life, bro.

She's hooked but I think we all came to a point in their wattpad life where they're so addicted they can't stop reading.

Anyways, love y'all and stay awesome.

God bless y'all.

Ciao -J

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