Grimmjow tisked, "Of course, the snowflake is gunna try to come back ta get ya..." Grimmjow turned to see Ichigo's reaction, to find the orangette gone. When he looked back at the warehouse, he smacked his forehead when he saw the teen in the front door of the warehouse, "Stupid, idiot." Grimmjow hissed.

When he started getting up, and out of his hiding spot, Ichigo's head shot around to glare at him, making the bluenette freeze in his spot. Ichigo shook his head before closing the door.

"That idiot. What does he think he's doing?" Grimmjow grumbled as he sat cross legged on the ground again, "Whatever. He'll get in trouble and learn to listen to the boss, and not that voice."

Ichigo looked up the stairs that lead to where the pale man was. He knew he wasn't supposed to be here, but Kyo had given him permission to control his body just this once. Why? Because Ichigo wanted to know more about the ghost.

Walking up the almost familiar stairs, Ichigo's golden eyes narrowed as he reached the top step. It was dark, and Ichigo couldn't see very far in front of him. Taking a few steps forward, Ichigo reached a hand out to a door.

When his hand touched the door handle, a shock of electricity went through his body, making him stagger backwards, and fall down the steps. It seemed like he was falling forever before Ichigo's head smacked against the cement floor at the bottom of the stairs.

Stars exploded in front of Ichigo's eyes, and the room seemed to spin, and tilt. Trying to get to his feet proved futile, making Ichigo's head explode in pain. A creak sounded from the top of the stairs, making the orangette move his head a bit to see what was going on.

The ghost stood at the top of the stairs with a small box in his hands, and regret clouding his eyes. The pale man raced down the stairs, towards Ichigo, and picked the teen up slowly and carefully.

"Ichi, I didn't know it was you. I'm sorry.." Shiro looked the teen over, before moving the hair out of Ichigo's face.

Ichigo couldn't really process what happened until he looked up at the door, and realized that there were a bunch of wires all over it.

"Didn't see it," Ichigo whispered. His head felt like it was going to explode, and his hands went up to hold it as if that was going to keep it from going all over the place, "Kyo...switch...switch..the ghost...Kyo.."

"Ichi. It's okay, you're safe now, please come back to me." Shiro whispered with tears in his eyes.

Ichigo was confused, why was the ghost crying for him? Reaching a hand up, he touched Shiro's eyelid softly.

"You. You are crying." Ichigo whispered.

"Remember, Ichigo. The boss wants this man dead." Kyo whispered in Ichigo's mind.

Ichigo shook his head, "Boss said no kill."

"I don't care what that low life said! I am the boss now, and I order you to kill the ghost!" Kyo shouted, making Ichigo flinch.

Tears welled in Ichigo's eyes, as he shook his head, "I-I can't..."

"Ichigo. Who are you talking to." Shiro asked sternly.

The teen looked up into Shiro's eyes, and for the first time, he saw the pain behind them. When he first saw Shiro, he thought of him as a threat, but now...Ichigo feels like he...

"Sh-...Sh.." Ichigo tried speaking. Tried saying something, but he wasn't sure what he was trying to say.

Shiro's eye widened, "Go on, Ichi. Remember. You can do it."

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