Chapter One

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Hoofsteps echoed loud in the halls of Princess Twilight's castle. The crystals beamed bright colors, glistening in the rays of Celestia's sun. Twilight was on her way to the throne room. She had no important business, really; she just had nothing to do.
Her shadow passed over pictures hung on walls. Years ago she would have flinched at the sight of her friends young and full of thriving life. Now that pain has subsided into numbness. She walked by regally without batting an eye.
As she neared the huge doors of the throne room, Twilight hesitated opening them. Of course she's passed through the room many times before. Meetings and discussions were also held around the magical table that transformed into a map. It hasn't called on Twilight's old friends for as long as the princess could remember. In fact, when was the last time the map called anypony? A week ago, maybe a month? Could it have been years?
Oh well. It didn't matter. To an Alicorn, they were all the same.
Through the eerie silence of her home, Twilight tried not to reminisce her old friends. Over the long period of time, she has gotten better and better of blocking out her thoughts of the five ponies and dragon. But they kept winding their way back into her mind like a pesky nat.
She let loose a grunt as she forced her horn to open the doors. Not like opening doors were difficult, but her head always ached when she recalled her past. Twilight's life was full of adventures and fun and...friendship. But it stretched thin like the time that flicked by.
The massive throne doors opened. Five seats were around the map. A big throne that shined like the golden sun it was based off of was Princess Celestia's; her cutie mark displayed at the top.
Across from that sat Luna's. It was black crystal and seemed intimidating, but radiated a somewhat safe and comforting aura, like being tranced in a deep sleep. A silver moon was engraved at the top as well.
Another throne, placed next to Celesia's, shone with love. Cadence's lovely throne sat innocently, true and pure. Like all the others, a crystal heart was etched into the design.
The fourth throne located in between Luna and Cadence's throne was somewhat a surprise, or at least it was when it was announced to the ponies if Equestria that the throne room was being redecorated for important matters. If somepony was asked to describe the throne of Discord, they would simply state it couldn't be done. The chair was never the same as the previous day. The first time the change happened, it was similar to the throne he sat on during his reign. When Princess Twilight walked by the next day, she thought a sixth seat was added, but there were still five. It wasn't until she noticed the Mark of Discord sewed into the new recliner that she knew it was his. Now, even after so many years, he still came up with a new design. He never used the same one twice and each one was definite unique. Today, it was a tall lifeguard's chair painted with a plaid design that was magenta and periwinkle. It also sparkled with glitter.
Then, there was the final throne. This one was the only original one that came with the castle. It was a blue and while crystal that sat straight with confidence (if thrones had confidence). A purple and pink star with six points sat in the top center. This, of course, was Twilight Sparkle's throne. It was in the same exact place since it came.
Together, all five thrones were placed in a star shaped pattern, and the ponies (and Discord) that represented them were know as the Council of Harmony.
Many moons ago, the original seven thrones were replaced except for the princess's. Twilight remembered the day they were taken out quite clearly: I had been a normal type of day. Not too hot, nor too cold. Birds chirped and bees buzzed. And the sound of ponies lifting crystal thrones could be heard. Celestia ordered some royal guards to relocate the thrones from Twilight's castle to Ponyville museum that was more than happy to take six of the seven chairs. Mutely, Twilight watched one by one as the seats were lifted out with the help of unicorn magic. First, Fluttershy's was taken out and placed on a chariot. Next was Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and finally Spike's. The alicorn's heart felt a throbbing pain as she saw all the thrones moved from their original spots. She hasn't spoken to any of her friends for moons, and they weren't able to come and see the thrones taken away. All too busy with their short, normal lives Twilight supposed.
"Excuse me, Princess?"
With speed and purpose, Twilight spun alertly to the voice that snapped her from her daydream. Sometime during her thoughts, the mailpony came into the castle to deliver mail. He looked just like his grandfather, who was a mailpony when Twilight was younger. She sighed and calmed down. "Oh, yes. How may I help you?"
The stallion bowed. "Um, please excuse my interruption. I was sent to deliver two important letters." He used his magic to float a scroll of paper and an envelope from a satchel.
The princess took the papers into her own magic and levitated it at her side with curiosity. "Thank you. Have a nice day."
"You too, your highness." He said with nervousness, and trotted from the room. Twilight felt a small annoyance. Ponies lately have been referring to her as "different" and "stuck-up". They act nervous around her for no reason. Ever since she and her friends stopped their get togethers, things have been...difficult.
Which should she open first? Twilight was more intrigued to see what the scroll contained. The paper of it was yellowed, but she recognized the color to be not from age but from the heat of dragon fire. Twilight opened the letter with eagerness. The claw-writing was instantly recognizable, though she hadn't seen it in years, it still had a resemblance to the dragon's young writing.
Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,
It has been many years since we have last spoken, and I wish for us to catch up again soon. I apologize for my lack of communication with you. I needed to be there for my dragon clan. Times have been rough since the jewel shortage last year, but they are starting to pick up again. Please allow us to keep in touch and visit any time you would like. I miss you, my dearest friend, and hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Spike the Dragon
The princess allowed herself a smile. Spike. It's true she hasn't been in contact with him in years. He's a leader of a dragon pack and spent years of work to have the position. It seemed as if things were settling down for him now, so Twilight would soon reply.
In the meantime, she opened the soft yellow envelope. There was a sheet of paper with curvy hoof-writing. Before she could start to read the words, Twilight saw a mark at the bottom right corner of the paper. Three little butterflies. Fluttershy? Another friend Twilight haven't spoken to for ages. She started reading the letter with almost the same amount of energy as Spike's. She didn't even get through half the letter before her eyes started to sting.
Fluttershy wrote this letter an hour ago at her cottage. The animals were fine, her garden doing great.
But the yellow pegasus was dying.

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