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Y/n's pov

I woke up and realized that I would have to see Morty again in school. I can't just forgive him so easily. I felt like a complete idiot thinking he was a friend.

"Oh well," I mumbled to myself as I was getting off the bed. I walked to the bathroom and looked at the mirror.

"I look like shit, " I said to myself once again. My eyes looked red and puffy from the tears of last night. My hair looked like a bird's nest. With some knots that would take me a painful time to untangle. I turned on the water of my shower in hopes that my day will run smoothly.

Time skip

I got out of the shower, feeling the cold floor on my feet. I went to my closet pulling out a gray sweater with some black jeans. I carefully brushed my hair, not wanting my hair to get itself tangled even more. I managed to get my hair untangled from the mess earlier that morning. After I got ready, I put on my blue converse and grabbed my book bag. I headed down the stairs and I saw my mother running around trying to find her keys.

"Good morning," she said to me when she noticed me in the kitchen.

"Morning," I simply replied as I grabbed a muffin. She told me goodbye soon after she found her keys. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, not wanting to be late like my mother for school. I locked the door to my house and started walking to the bus stop.

"Fuck my life, why now?" I said as I noticed Morty waiting for the bus. I found myself slowly reaching the bus stop.

"H-hey," I heard coming from the boy's mouth. I didn't reply, remembering what he did to me yesterday during lunch. Soon after the bus came, I hurriedly got in the bus. I noticed an empty seat next to a sweet girl I met in one of my classes.

"Is this seat taken?"sounding a little desparate.

"No, have a seat,"she gladly said. I happily took a seat and plugged in my headphones. Coming up an excuse so I wouldn't talk to Morty.

Morty's pov

I noticed y/n was purposely ignoring me as she hurriedly got in the bus. It's all my fault, I shouldn't of bailed on her. I took a seat alone in the back of the bus. From my view I could see y/n with her headphones on.

'She will NEVER forgive me,' I mentally told myself. Believe me I was stupid for doing what I did. Sometimes I wish I was able to say "no" to people such as Rick. Somehow I never had the courage to stand up for myself. I'm always being stomped over. The bus stop, meaning it was time to get off. I was the last one to get off. I tried to find y/n in hopes of getting to apologize to her. Sadly she ran off, probably wanting to ignore me. I was walking to my locker, until I bumped into someone.

"Dammit,"the person complained.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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