The new Girl

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Y/n pov

I have just finished unpacking all my stuff. I am in love with my f/c room. I'm honestly happy I moved.
"Sweetie why don't you go outside and get to know the neighborhood", my mother yelled across the room.
"Sure thing", I yelled back. To be honest I was tired but why the hell not. I put on my my combat boots and headed out. Walking out I noticed a boy and his grandpa coming out from this green mysterious portal.

Morty' s pov

I can't believe aliens where about to eat us. The good thing is that I'm safe back home. Rick has already gone into the kitchen to get a beer while I still remained on the front lawn. I noticed a new girl looking straight at me. I couldn't help but blush. I found myself walking towards her.
'Wait what am I doing,' I thought to myself. It was too late, I have already reach the front steps of her house.

Y/n's pov

The strange boy was already on my front steps.
" H - hey my name is Morty, I see that you've just moved in," he said looking at the brown boxes
"Yeah my name is Y/n, I guess we're neighbors now," I replied back. I noticed the pink blush on his face but shrugged it off.
" Well see you around," he said. With that he walked away.
"See you around," I muttered to myself.

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