"More than cool," Serenity smiled.

. . . . .

Speaking of first days, Tiffany was about to start her first day at her internship.

"Hello," Tiffany spoke to the receptionist all perky. "I'm Tiffany Kelly, a new intern."

"Welcome aboard Miss Kelly," the male receptionist smiled. "I'm Kyle and...here is your welcome folder. You're actually early, the other interns haven't arrived as of yet but you can go ahead down the hall, 3rd door on your right, Conference Room 3."

"Thank you," she beamed.

She tried to pace herself but couldn't help it, the excitement was bursting through her soul. She had spent hours watching most of C. Thomas Howell's films and gained a massive celebrity crush. She knew he wouldn't look like the same young Ponyboy from 'The Outsiders'. But she saw overtime that his eyes never changed. They were still deep and brooding, still pulling the viewer in.

And then the door opened, shaking her out of her deep thought. It was him, dressed in a casual suit; cleaned, groomed, & holding a few stapled packets. The scruff on his face was fresh and the grey stood out along the roots of his hair, fading into the brown.

"Are you...Tiffany?" He asked, looking down at his paper.

"Yes," she smiled wide. "Nice to meet me. You! I mean-- pleasure to meet you...Mr. Howell."

Tiffany was utterly starstruck as he walked up to where she was seated and shook her hand.

"Pleasure's all mine, Tiffany. It's good to see a fresh face that's early to an appointment."

"My father always says if you're on time, you're late, and if you're early, you're on time."

"He's right. And it also shows that you give a damn."

Soon, the other two interns Alec and Twan walk into the conference room and the meeting begins.

"Now," Mr. Howell began. "I'm not gonna bore you guys with all the logistics because you already know what this may or may not entail. Plus, we've all got work to get done. But congratulations to each of you for earning your place here, even if only temporary. You're each gonna be given different jobs around the office, sometimes on set, but the learning experience will be one in the same. This will help you to get familiar with what goes on in the film industry as well as the chance to network with others and get your foot further in the door."

Tiffany watched him with awe, practically hearts in her eyes. She felt her phone vibrate, knowing it was either her parents, Serenity, or Nate. But at this moment, she was far from interested in anything other than Mr. Howell.

"So first up, we have Twan...Kuyper? Did I pronounce it right?"

"Yes sir." Twan sat up and walked up to him, taking his packet.

"You'll be shadowing and assisting Julie Myers, one of our editors. You'll find her on the 2nd floor, Studio B." Twan leaves with a smile on his face and Mr. Howell continues. "Alec Bailey?"

Alec quickly walks over to him.

"You'll be with Greg Hollingsworth, he handles casting, all-around good guy. Good luck to you."

After Alec leaves, Mr. Howell goes and sits in front of Tiffany. She gets highly nervous, she wonders how she's been able to contain her screams so far.

"And you," he holds his hand out. "You'll be working directly with me on the weekends since I saw you're still in high school. But that's good, you're starting early!"

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