Chapter 22: Wake Up

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 "Well, where are they?" I cried out, nerves eating at me.

Galien and I stood at a window on the castle's forefront, facing the woods. The two of us had taken up the perch nearly an hour ago, and I was getting nervous. Galien had taken to pacing behind me, while I sat on the stone ledge, peering out into the darkness of the night.

"At this rate I'll be dead before they get here..." he responded with a snicker.

I couldn't help but turn and look at him, and glare.

He smiled, and propped himself against the wall beside me. "You know, I am truly, truly going to miss you." He ruffled my hair.

My face darkened, immediately. "Not as much as I'm going to miss you. If only there was a way..."

He turned away from me, and began pacing again. "There isn't."

Another few minutes paced, and now neither of us said anything. I hate this. No matter what I do, I'm waiting here for him to die.

I sighed, and glanced at Galien over my shoulder. His eyes met mine for a moment, and then they jumped above me. He stepped forward, and his expression became austere.

He pressed around me, and against the window. I turned to look, and as soon as my mind registered what I saw, I closed my eyes, and I prayed to all the higher powers there are in the Mithian Realm. When I opened them again, my eyes were still greeted by the procession of torches.

Galien never said a word. He ripped his shirt and tie, which now seemed so out of place, and threw them to the floor, as he advanced toward the door.

"Please, wait. That won't help. Just stay here. Please, Galien. For me?" I pleaded. He said nothing, even when I turned and ran off down the hall.

When I reached my room, I pulled the door open and as I sprinted inside, a gasp greeted me.

Jacqueline was standing at the desk in the corner; I saw her cross just hanging there.

"Miss Belle, I need to talk to you-

"I'm sorry Jacqueline, but I do not have time to talk right this moment. There are men, coming to kill Galien. I need my shoes, and my cloak."

"O' goodness. 'Ere, Miss, I'll 'elp you with your slippers, while you tie your cloak."

As soon as I was finished, I took off, running out of the room. She'll just have to tell me once this is resolved.

I was running so quickly that at times I slid past the turns of the hallways. Finally, I reached the bottom of the stairs. I ran across the foyer, and straight out the door, into the night.

I slowed my pace to a quick walk. The ground was slick with snow, and the last thing I needed to do was fall and break a limb.

I made my way to the gate, and there I waited.

It wasn't a long wait. In about five minute's time, torch light neared the gate, and then men, young men, from my village began to group before it. I stepped forward, until I was up against the gates, and waited until they saw me.

"Arabella?" One of them called. In the darkness, I wasn't sure who it was.

"Why have you all come here?" I asked, loudly enough that they could all hear me.

There was muttering for a brief moment, and then the same voice said, "Henri told us about the monster; the monster holding you captive. And how it attacked you," Here he addressed his men, "See the cut on her face?" Then he turned back to me. "But you needn't fear anymore, we're going to kill him," here a cheer broke from the crowd, "And bring you back home."

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