"Sam! What are you doing here?" Melissa squealed and let me go to turn and hug her best friend who she hadn't seen in what felt like an age.

"It was a surprise!"

"Oh my god! Look at you! Look at your tan! Was Egypt good? You have to tell me all about it!" Melissa took Sam's hand in hers and they walked into the house gabbing, like women do.

I closed the door just in time to hear them all yell 'surprise' and Melissa's stunned scream echo throughout the house.

"You guys!" Melissa shouted.

I greeted Mr Butler by the hand and Mrs Butler with a hug as Melissa went around all her friends, some she'd seen only yesterday and a few she hadn't seen in a while. Sam, Jo and Rosie greeted me as Melissa spoke to Kelly, Lauren, Zoe, Mickey, Cassie, Terry and a few others I hadn't taught or got to know through Sam. Melissa put the bottle down on the table where plates of food sat along with other bottles of alcohol, once the excitement was done, Melissa embraced me and kissed me, thanking me for the party.

"Your parents had a part to play too" I told her.

"Ahem!" Sam and Rosie tapped their toes on the tiled kitchen floor.

I grinned at them, Melissa laughed and turned to face them while holding my hand.

"What's all this for anyway?" Melissa asked, even though she knew.

"It's a congratulations party" Jo told her.

"For you getting into uni" Mrs Butler smiled at her daughter.

"And for all of your friends getting into uni or college as well" Mr Butler smiled.

"So it's basically a party to celebrate us all finally growing up?" Melissa grinned.

"Something like that" Sam winked.

Melissa gave my hand a squeeze and me a longing look before she let go to pour drinks and hug her friends. Mr Butler wsa messing around with a radio which came on suddenly causing a loud static noise, everyone laughed and I went to help him with it. Mickey and Terry found their way over to us, being the only men at this party while all the girls laughed and drank and already began to dance. I smiled at Melissa and remembered the day when we could be together, truely, without fear, as she was no longer my student and I no longer her teacher;

"Alex! Alex you'll never believe it!" Melissa came rushing down the hall way at me.

"Mel? What are you doing here?" I asked and glanced around the Biology corridor, hoping there were no other teachers around.

Melissa jumped on me, wrapping her arms around me as I wrapped mine around her back, spinning around from the momentum of her jump. Kissing me hard on the lips, she stopped as we stopped spinning and I placed her on the ground.

"What is it?" I asked, breathless.

"I got an A!" She squealed.

I could hear a few doors opening, so I glanced around and took her hand, dashing towards the Science teacher room. Thankfully no one was in as I closed the door and peeked through the blind on the window; cost clear.

"Sorry?" I asked a little flustered.

"I passed! I got an A! We did it!" She jumped up and down.

I grinned at her and laughed, taking her in my arms and spinning her around.

"I knew you would do it" I kissed her.

"We did it!" She broke away from me.

"You helped" She reminded me.

"But it was all you" I smiled down at her.

Grinning she giggled and broke away from my grip, throwing her arms in the air and laughing, and I laughed with her. Things could only get better.

Student, Teacher Conference; Prolouge.Where stories live. Discover now