"Shush, Paul. She's not late." my grandmother scolded, smiling at me. I gave her a smile back as I rushed over to hug her. She was still the happiest and nicest person I had ever known and this was a big day seeings as she was eighty. "Happy birthday, grannie." I said. She pecked my cheek, thanking me before she looked at Luke. "And who is this handsome man?" she asked. Luke just chuckled, walking over to shake her hand, but my grandmother hugged him instead. "I'm Luke, Victoria's boyfriend." he introduced after hugging her. My grandmother grinned at me. "You've got yourself a very beautiful and kindhearted girlfriend then, Luke." she stated. Luke smiled, putting and arm around my shoulders. "Yes, I agree.".

The only seats left were the ones beside Claire and my father and Luke coughed awkwardly. I knew he didn't want to sit beside Claire at all, so I sat down there, earning a glare from Claire. Luke sat down beside my father who was staring at Luke with narrowed eyes. 

The only good thing about the dinner was my grandmother and the food. I mean, mum could cook. My grandmother was making converstations with Luke and me while the others were quiet. I didn't understand why they couldn't just act like they were having a good time for my grandmother.

Claire had had a bit too much alcohol to drink too which wasn't good. She would say stupid comments to what Luke and I told, but the worst part was when we were almost done with the dinner. Luke was telling grandmother about how he had gotten to know me, leaving out the fact that he was dating Claire because that would have been awkward, but Claire ended up standing up, pointing her wine bottle at Luke.

"You're leaving out the most important information, Luke. Tell them all about how you were my boyfriend first." she slurred, almost poking Luke with the wine bottle now. Luke's eyes widened as he pulled the wine bottle away from his face. Everyone's eyes were on him now and I felt so bad for him. 

"Did you date Claire before you dated Victoria?" mum gasped, sounding shocked. Dad glared at Luke, but grandmother just stared at Luke with curious look. "Uhm.." Luke stared, shifting in his seat. "W-well, y-yeah, but that didn't really work well and I understood quickly that I didn't love Claire, but Victoria." Luke mumbled, looking at me for help. I didn't know what to do, so I grabbed his hand.

"That's sick." dad muttered, shaking his head. Mum and Claire nodded while my grandmother scowled at them. I bit my lip nervously. "Stop being so cruel. You still wonder why Victoria won't come visit anymore?" she spat, shaking her head. The others seemed shocked. "You don't even know why Claire and he broke up  and why he got together with Victoria. Luke, I'm sorry how they're treating you.".

Dad snorted. "Then why did you get together with Victoria after you and Claire broke up? Was it just to take some sick revenge on Claire?". I was about to say that dad was acting like a child, when Luke suprised us all by answering. "Claire cheated on me, she treated me like I was nothing. She made me feel like shit and who was there to help me when I felt down? Victoria! She was always around, she knew me better than my own girlfriend. Hell she even got the presents I made Claire when we were together because Claire didn't like the presents I gave her! Victoria made me realize that Claire was bad for me, she made me realize that my own happiness was important too. She made me feel important, like I meant something. She made me feel loved. Excuse me sir, but the only sick thing is that I didn't realize I loved Victoria before I did. The sick thing is how bad Claire treats people. That's sick and cruel!".

Everyone was quiet after that and Luke sighed loudly. "Thanks for the food, Victoria, I'm waiting in the car. We're not gonna sleep over here tonight. Happy birthday and sorry for how this night ended, Anna." Luke sighed, turning to my grandmother who just smiled proudly at Luke who walked out of the kitchen.

My parents and Claire looked shocked, but my grandmother and I stood up at the same time. "Darling, you should follow your boyfriend. It's late and I don't want you guys to drive home now when you're both tired. If you can drive me home, you can sleep there. I mean the house does have an extra room." she stated, grabbing my hand.

I couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my lips. I hugged her, happy to have her in my life. Even though she was eighty, she was doing great and was healthy. "Paul, you don't have to drive me home, I'm leaving too. I feel like I should spend the last hours of my birthday with Victoria and Luke. Thanks for dinner, Rita, and for the present. Claire, nice to see you." she said. I didn't say anything to them before we both walked out of the house.

Luke was sitting in his car, his jaw clenched and a frown on his face. I gave him a sad smile as I helped my grandmother into his car. He raised an eyebrow at me. "We're gonna sleep at grannie's house. She has an extra room. It's too late to drive home now." I explained. Luke nodded, about to apologize to her for ruining her birthday, but she waved him off.

"You didn't ruin it. You did everything right. I'm proud that you stood up for yourself, Luke. If you two can sit up an hour and drink hot chocolate with me while talking, it'll make everything better again. I mean I haven't really gotten to know you so much Luke, and it's such a long time since I talked you, Victoria." she said.

Luke and I smiled at her and he grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it. "That sound like a plan, Anna." he agreed, making us all smile. 

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