Chapter 20. Completed.

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Katharine's pov



I'm getting out of the hospital in a couple minutes. The baby is coming too.

I need to talk to Cam but he was sleeping.

I don't care, I walked over to him and shook him until he woke up he eventually did.

"What wh-," he said.

"We need to talk," I motioned him to come to the hallway away from Nash. Hes still sleeping.

"Whats up?" He asked.

"Whats going on?"

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"Are you going to leave us for your new gf?" I asked.

"I have to be there for my other child." He said, and walked off.


(5 years later)

I haven't spoken to Cameron since the hospital, he doesn't even ask to visit his kids.

When I brought him up to the kids you know what they said "I don't have a daddy."

I broke up with Liam. Cameron fucked me up you know? Leaving your own children?!

I'm getting ready to head to the store with Austin, and Kya. Oh yea I forgot to mention.

I had twins. One girl one boy. They didn't want to tell me about the girl yet until I was stable enough.

Crazy I know.

"Austin! Kya! Where leaving." I yelled for them.

"Coming" They both yelled.

Kya came down stairs in the dress I picked out for her.

"You look beautiful, and you look handsome" I said to Kya and Austin.

"Mommy can you pick me up?" Kya asked.

I picked her up and placed them in the car seats in the car and drove off to the mall.

I wanted to buy them something.


I was in bath and body works in the mall, to buy some cute soaps for the kids bath.

I heard Kya yell and I dropped what I was doing to see her on the floor and some girl was in front of her.

I was pissed.

I walked over to Kya and picked her up, I saw someone running over to the child who pushed my kid.

I squinted my eyes and saw who it was.


"Emily!" He yelled.

He picked his daughter up and looked at me.

"Kat?" He asked.

"Yea." I said.

"Mommy." I heard Austin call.

He wrapped his arms around my legs while I was holding Kya.

"Mommy who is this?" Kya asked.

"Nobody." I said.

"Those are my kids?" Cam asked.

"Yea." I mumbled.

I was going to cry.

"Can I hold her and him?" He asked.

"There names are Austin and Kya!" I was pissed.

"Can I please hold Austin and Kya?" He asked.

I put her down and he tried to pick her up but she ran behind me.

"Mommy who is he?" She asked.

"Your dad Kya and Austin." I said.

Kya came from behind me and walked over towards Cam.

"Do you love me?" She asked him.

"Of course I do." He said.

"No you don't, b because you broke my heart." She said.

He started to cry.

"Kat I'm so sorry. I was scared. I miss you, and love you. Please take me back?" He said.

"What about your daughter here?" I asked.

"Her mom has a new boyfriend we aren't dating anymore. I'm only visiting her every other week. I want you." He said.

I missed him!

"Fine, we can start over." I said.

"Thank you. Ill come pick you up, the kids can stay with Nash?" He asked me.

"Sur-" I said

"Nashhh!." The twins yelled.


"Its a date." Cam said.

I smiled.


Hey. I hope you enjoy.

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