Chapter 12! Completed.

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Hey I'm watching glee now and decided I should post.

But Vampire diaries fiction or Magcon fiction?

Anyways let's go.

Katharine's pov

I was walking in the closet with Matt and honestly I was scared. I mean I was ready to pop the shit out of him with all my force if anything happened.

Cameron's pov

I walk out of the bathroom with Ariana. I look for Kat and I cant see her anywhere. I sit down next to Ariana and whisper in her ear.

"Where do you think Kat is?"

"I don't know. But I see that Matt isn't here also." She said.

I got angry after that.

I got up from the circle and tried to go in the closet but Nash dragged me down.

"Look if Kat was in trouble she would of yelled. " he said.

He's right. I'll wait the rest of the 2 minutes.

Katharine's pov

Matt apologized and we then started talking. He said he liked Mia. Wow that was a shocker. Well our 10 minutes our up so we head out of the closet and I see Cam sitting next to Ariana. I head over there and sit net to Ari.

"Ariana what happened with you and Cam." I said.

"Oh we just talked. He's really funny Kat. Your bf should head to the moon." She said.

"Wait what?" I asked so confused.

"Nothing." She said and continued playing the game.

I got up an scooted over towards Cam.

"What the hell happened with you and Matt?" He said mad.

"Nothing Cam. He just apologized and we just talked. He said he likes Mia." I told him.

"Ok good." He said an then grabbed my hand.

The game was finished and I looked at the time and it was 10. 2 more hours to party.

Ariana came over and dragged me outside.

"Hey Ari whats up?" I said.

"Ok listen. You know how i liked Carter?" She said.

Wait what?

"No you nev-" and then she interrupted

"Well I like Carter. And to be honest I was wondering if he likes me." She said.

"Uhm well have you ever though about ta-" she interrupted me again.

"No I didn't Kat. I'm scared to. You know what. Fuck it. Ill just show him my kittens brb." She said.

Oh hell nah. She not about to show him her boobs. She is deff drunk.

I walked inside and everyone was dancing. I couldn't see Cam so I just started jumping up and down to the music. Then someone was starting to speak on the microphone.

"Listen everyone." OMG it was Ariana.

"I've decided to tell you all something. So I like Carter and in honor of liking Carter Iv decided to show him my kittens." She said.

"Ayeeee lets goo!" The crows cheered.

"Oh know she didn't." I mumbled

"Oh yes she did." Mia said.

Where did she come from?

"Are you ready?" Ari yelled.

"Ariana no!" I yelled.

"So this is my kitten mouse. And he really likes to play. He's a friendly cat. And he wants to be a marine biologist." She said laughing.

Wait huh?

She's actually showing us her real kittens. Her animals kittens.

"And this is my kitten puppy. He wants to be in the navy and fight people. He is a bad kitten so nobody touch him." She said.

Ariana what the fuck have you been taking?

Sorry this isn't all that good. Ill post a better one when I get the chance.

Our love. (Cd Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن