Chapter 16: I Love You

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Once I finished reading the note, I went to my third class because I missed the first two.

By the end of the day, my nails were scratching the desk from anxiety. The note really has me on the edge here and when I get home, I'll have to ask Klaus about the stupid note.

Though the note has made me quite nervous, I'm not that scared. The Volturi can't hurt me. I'm a different vampire than they are and much stronger. My parents frown upon me, but that doesn't matter to me anymore. Now I have my new father named Klaus and my aunt and uncles. I also have a secret love affair with a hot God named Damon Salvatore.

My life is much better without them. They mean nothing to me anymore.

I was now home from school and I was sitting next to Rebekah. The TV was playing General Hospital which she was really addicted to. Kol was typing away on his phone and Elijah was reading a huge book. Klaus sat across from me and I finally gotten the courage to take the note out.

"Guys." I said, getting everyone's attention. "I received a letter in my locker today." I say, taking it out my backpack.

"Was it from a boy?" Rebekah asked with a huge smile on her face.

"No, it was from the Volturi." I say.

Klaus' eyes widened and he took the note from my outstretched hand. He read it quickly and then stood up from the couch.

"Aro isn't supposed to know of you." Klaus said, starting to get a little worried. "I know! We go to New Orleans! Tonight!" He yells out. "Everyone pack your bags. We're leaving tonight at 9:00 pm."

With that, I ran upstairs and instantly shut my door and texted Damon the news.

Dylan- hey :(

Damon: what's wrong??

Dylan: im leaving 2nite

Damon: what??!!! what r we goin 2 do??

Dylan: idkk but I want 2 c u b4 I leave

Damon: that can b arranged

I smiled a small smile.

There had to be another way to still be with Damon. I just got him. I dont want to lose him. Klaus cant seperate us. He means so much to me in such a short time.

I head over to my closet and pull out something to keep me warm for when I'm hanging out with Damon. I find a flannel and pull it over my tank top. I smile and look in my full length mirror.

I put another layer of mascara and eyeliner. Once I'm finally finished, I sat at my bedroom window and wait for him to show up.

After about 5 minutes, he finally shows up at the window and I open it for him.

He climbs in and instantly I'm pulled into a bear hug. I hug him back, not ever wanting to let him go.

He kisses my head and then looks down at me, as I look back up at him. We lean in and kiss each other.

"Damon, I don't know what to do. There are people looking for me and they aren't even supposed to know of my existence."

"I know. I know baby girl. We will make this through. Okay?" Damon asks, tilting my head up to look him in those pretty blue eyes.

Tears are so close to falling from my eyes at this point in time.

"Hey now, none of that. I will follow you guys. I have already broke up with Elena. So now, I'm a single man and I can follow any pretty girl I want that just happens to be you." He says, trying to make me feel better.

I nod my head sadly.

"Dylan, you're the girl of my dreams. You're the one I'd take a bullet for. You're the reason for my existence."

Now I'm pouring tears. Not because of the Volturi and me having to leave. No, I'm crying because of the thoughtful words that just came out of his mouth.

"I love you Damon."

"I love you too, Dylan."

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