Arelia was meet with the spectacular response of being shot at. She thought she remembered the man's name being something that rhymed with ick, Rick maybe? Whatever his name was, Arelia saw him reaching for his gun before hand and had just enough time to move away from its deadly bullets.

"Aww, I thought we were friends? Buddies forever, you know?" She pouted before kicking the gun out of his hands.

After fighting this same group for the third time this month, she would've thought they'd have some new moves.
Arelia punched his face before turning to the two others whose only weapon appeared to be knives. After lots of back and forth trying to kill each other, Arelia had the three men knocked out just as the police arrived on the scene or more likely deemed safe to come in.

Arelia walked behind the main desk to retrieve the two hostages. "It's okay to come out now, the police are here."

The hostages, a younger man with a little girl who Arelia assumed to be his daughter, walked out from their hiding spot and Arelia directed them to the medic.

Arelia followed behind to talk with the chief of police, a man who just happened to be Mason Davis, her uncle. The two had their normal conversation as Phantom and officer Davis, the later asking questions as Phantom described the scene.

Phantom was the name the people gave the eighteen year old vigilante. They said it matched how she would come in and get the job done so fast that you weren't sure it was real. After four years on the scene, the name finally caught on.

It was obvious Uncle Davis knew something about her extra curricular activities, but Arelia believed he was still a good distance away from knowing she was Phantom.

With a quick nod goodbye, Arelia raced off back home to change and sprint to school.

Arelia arrived at school two minutes after her lunch started; all thanks to the junky old car she was given for her sixteenth birthday.

Arelia walked casualty into the cafeteria and took her seat next to Tristan and her cousin, Ethan. Still trying to catch her breath, Arelia spared the hello and smiled at the two boys.

Tristan and Ethan both looked at each other before Ethan pointed at her face. "What'd you do, get hit by a truck?"

Arelia stuck her tongue out at him before she realized he wasn't joking. Arelia's eyes widened as she grabbed her phone out of her backpack, looking at her reflection through the screen. "Aunt Cynthia's going to kill me." She realized with absolute horror as she looked at the beginnings of a monstrous bruise on the left side of her face, just below her cheekbone. She supposed they got a better hit than she thought.

"She's not going to kill you," Tristan comforted her before turning to Ethan, "or will she?"

Ethan laughed. "My mom's making her go to that charity gala later this month, she's dead meat. I on the other hand think it's cool."

Arelia punched him in the arm. "I'm well aware of how dead I am, thank you, and I fell down the stairs. Make up will cover it, right?" She asked more to herself after lying.

Ethan's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Again?"

Arelia was quite proud of the next punch sent his way, he'd have a bruise for sure. The rest of lunch was a blur of random comments and way too much boy talk. Sometimes Arelia really wished she had more friends, but who else would keep those idiots in their place.

The two boys had filled her in on their second block class, pre-calculus, apparently one of the girls got broken up with. Drama, Arelia's favorite subject!

By the time lunch was over the trio had history and French left, except Arelia was the only one in French.

Their history class was taught by Mrs. Landon and thankfully they had the entire period to study for finals. The class was fairly boring compared the excitement of learning five new irregular verbs to have memorized for tomorrow, French of course.

As Arelia waited for Tristan and Ethan outside of school, her eyes caught those of Collin Solis. Collin was the only one who could ever match Arelia's own personality. They were like twins, except for the fact that Collin had blonde hair, blue eyes, and he was over six feet tall compared to Arelia's five foot seven.

Arelia sneaked behind Collin, jumping on him from behind. "Let me guess, Arelia Davis, how dreadful to see you again." Collin drawled just as any American with a terrible British accent would.

"Hahaha, wanna come over tomorrow? A nice Tuesday night, history study session?" Arelia asked as she switched her weight from her heels to toes.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." He smiled before kissing her on the cheek and running off. "Oh, and you can tell me all about that monstrous thing on your face, huh?"

Arelia grunted in frustration. Was it really that noticeable?

Arelia waited for fifteen more minutes before deciding to head home by herself. The feeling never left her that something was wrong, though. Tristan and Ethan always walked home with her, but it wasn't just that, there was something else nagging at her mind, telling her to get home quickly.

It was because of that feeling that Arelia sprinted faster than she would've ever done in gym to get home to her aunt and uncle's mansion. She was a few blocks away when she noticed the police cars and paramedics outside the house.

Police officers littered the lusciously green yard, some seemed to be consoling each other, while others moved about quickly, trying to gather as much evidence as possible.

The house itself appeared normal, it's gray, white, and blue exterior looking polished and well, wealthy. The mailbox was still left slightly ajar, as it was every day. The walkway was still completely pebble free, just as Aunt Cynthia prefered it. From the outside, it was normal.

Arelia walked to greet one of the officers, asking what happened. She almost wished she hadn't.

They had recieved a call that the house was being broken into, her uncle the first on the scene. Arelia was told they had five gunmen. What kind of house robbery would require five gunmen, she thought bitterly.

Uncle Mason was found dead behind the couch in the living room, his blood pooled around him, the symbol of an intricate square beside him.

Arelia didn't remember much after that. She remembered the sobbing that wrecked her body. She remembered Aunt Cynthia and Ethan coming home to the same thing she did. And even though she saw it, she wouldn't remember the way Ethan didn't even looked surprised to hear that his dad was dead.

It all brought her back to a day almost five years ago. The day her parents were found dead with that same symbol beside them.

Arelia's mind went back to the files she had in her room and suddenly she felt the need to check on them, make sure they were still there. So, she ran past the police tape and into the house.

It was the drastic difference inside the house that made it real. The once pristine living room was covered in broken glass, most likely from Aunt Cynthia's many vases. While Uncle Mason's body was gone, behind the coach still sat the symbol of the Black Masks.

Arelia had done enough studying on them to know this could only mean one thing. They still intended on executing their original plan.

Arelia ran to her bedroom and opened her closet in hurry, desperately searching the shelves for the file, only to see it laying open on her desk.

Arelia looked at the pages in horror, realizing they too, were stamped with the symbol she had learned to hate so intensely. Only one thought was in her mind as she scanned her research; this was only the beginning.

A/N: So what do you guys think? I'd love to hear what you think! Thanks for reading!

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