"Yes I dro- I don't have time for this."

"I told her you are on your way." Taylor says.

"Why would you do that? She doesn't know that you and Aaron are mates. 'Cause somebody didn't want her to know." I look at Aaron.

"You're dumb." Taylor says.

"I'm also your mate."

"Well I gotta go 'cause somebody decided to lie." This time I looked at Taylor.

This time I catch a bus, but by the time I got to the house, Estelle was asleep on Victors lap. "Sorry, she called me over, and said she was home alone."

I wanted more than anything to shift and choke him with his own spine. But somehow I managed to pull that thought aside that anger. "You can go now that I'm back." I say quietly, sure not interrupt Estelles perfect slumber.

'Sorry dude, I know you liked her, but she came to me.' He links me.

'Its more to that, Victor.' So much more.

'What could possibly be more important than me being in strong like with your sister?'

'The simple fact my sister, that has a different mom and dad than I do, is my mate.'

"What!" He yelled. Estelle instantly woke and on full alert.

"Wassup?" She asks tired.

"Oh, uh, the movie got really intense." Victor says pointing to the movie.

She looks at the movie. "What's so intense about two people having a picnic?" She asks. I look at the movie and they were having a picnic and the was feeding the girl a grape.

"There was a ant on the grape."

"You're werewolf." She yawns.

"But they're not. And she ate it."

"You're so weird." She smiles, then looks at me. "Sorry, Taylor said she had plans, but by the time she sent me the text saying you were on your way Victor was here for me in a second." She kissed his cheek and this time I couldn't resist the growl. Then she looked mad yet confused. "I'm going to my room, care to join?" Her question was directed to Victor.

"You head up, imma talk to James for a while."


'Don't worry her wolf is making her heal faster, for now she just wants to help herself.' Victor links me.


I waited to hear her door close, to start talking.


Usually Victor would choose me over James, but somehow he wants to just talk to James.

Did he go gay on me? The disrespect. No, he didn't, I'm so dumb.

But I am curious. I open and close my door, but I didn't go inside, curiosity got the best of me this time.

"What do you mean, Estelle is your mate. She's my girlfriend." I heard Victor say.

"She's my mate. My companion, my life. To you she's just another girl to get in bed with." James says sincerely.

"How do you know for sure she's your mate, she's not even seventeen yet." Victor protested.

"Earlier, she was limping so I decided to help her. As soon as I lifted her in the air I dropped her. I thought she electrocuted me or something, but no it's complete innocents. My wolf was excited, I almost yelled mine to her. She's my mate, Victor, and you are going to make her dump you."

"Why can't I just dump her. I hate being dumped." Victor whined.

"Because if you break her heart, I will break your face." James growled.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Victor asks concern.

"I'm dead serious, Victor."

"Then why can't you tell her."

"She hates me, if I tell her this I wouldn't be surprised if cussed me out and spit in my face then go out and do something really stupid that she knows will hurt me."

"She's not like that."

"I've known her for three years, one of them I lived with her, and a rogue hasn't even given me as much hatred as she has. I can't tell her, not yet at least."

"I'm sorry, James, but I promised her a movie. I can ask her if you want to join us."

"No. Every moment I see you with her, I feel as if I need to depart your head from your body."

"Imma just go upstairs before that 'feeling' becomes a action."

I quickly got to my room and layed down just as Victor came through the door.

"You still up for that movie?" He asks.

"Ya." I was still trying to settle on everything I just heard.

The guy I hated for what seemed all my life, is the guy I'm destined to be with.


New book is out right now,

-Alpha Rogue-

Check it out, its just as good as this one


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