Chapter 15: Trying to Uncover; Hoping to Remember

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Trying to Uncover; Hoping to Remember

The clouds were gathering up the sky today, and it started out a rather gloomy morning. Il and El had opened early, as prior to Kairi's request, they wanted to start looking into their customers early, even if they knew that the chances of someone actually coming in this early would be slim, they were willing to take their chances.

"No one's going to come here this early." Said Il, she was a bit annoyed that her sister had woken her up in such an ungodly hour.

"Patience is a virtue. As they say, we have to wait when the time is right. You never know what might happen." Stated El with a smile.

"But you just don't get it! I am not a patient person!" said Il and she muttered "And I probably never will be…"

"I can hear you, and whether you are patient or not, you have to deal with it. Even if no one comes, at least we opened early, just in case." Repeated El.

"Whatever, let's just hope we find someone of use today. I don't want to imagine Kairi coming back here ranting on and on about his problems again." Sighed Il "I mean, don't get me wrong, I want to help, but I hate getting involved with those useless royal issues. I do feel bad for the main family though."

"Yes, well it isn't everyday that their son suddenly goes missing now is it?" said El "I want to make sure Kairi's assumptions are right, and Utau-chan is still a friend. I wouldn't want her to feel so lonely."

Il smirked a bit "Wasn't she infatuated with Ikuto once too?"

"Oh yes, she'd come here in a hissy fit on how he was ignoring her and all. I am truly glad that she's gotten over that." Said El.

"But who would have thought. Souma Kukai of all people." Said Il.

"Well, they say people find love in the most unexpected places. I assume that is what happened." Said El. She truly was happy for her dear friend.

The two sisters were too engrossed in their random conversations, just as they usually are, that they had neglected to see the man who had just entered. He seated himself in one of the chairs and suddenly just called for one of the sisters' attention.

"Excuse me." Said the newly entered customer.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Said El and then she gave her sister a small smug smile and said "I told you so" in a sing-song voice before approaching the customer.

"Whatever…" muttered Il and resumed her cleaning.

Il had gone over the counter going about her own business as she watches her sister walk over to the oddly new customer in their abode. She eyed the man suspiciously, something didn't seem right, but he didn't know what it was.

"A pleasant morning to you kind sir, can I get you anything?" El had asked the stranger with a smile.

"Anything to drink will be fine." Said the mysterious stranger.

"Nothing specific?" asked El questioningly.

"No." the man didn't even spare her a second glance before looking somewhere else.

"Okay then…coming right up." Stated El with a sigh. She had never expected such a cold and odd person.

"I take it he doesn't talk much?" asked Il as her sister made her way to the counter.

"No, he isn't. I normally wouldn't pay much attention to it, if only it wasn't so early." Said El. "He doesn't help lighten up the mood."

"What did you expect? Besides, there's something…odd about him." Said Il "I just can't seem to put my finger into it."

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