Chapter 12: According to Plan

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According to Plan

Early morning in the palace, Hiro was rampaging all over the place. He was hissing at anyone who looked at him, and didn't even bother to greet anyone that came his way. No one dared approach him to begin with, seeing as he was in a terribly foul mood. It has been days, and he has been a silent as he could, but now he could no longer take it. He briskly walked towards his and Kenta's room and when he went inside, he slammed the door shut, so hard that it made the desk lamp fall off of the bedside table and a loud SMASH was heard.

"What in the world Hiro-nii?" asked Kenta as he stood up from where he was sitting.

"Don't talk to me in that tone right now Kenta. I'm in no mood for games." Said Hiro as he shot his brother with a glare.

"Oh yeah, I definitely couldn't see that." Kenta replied sarcastically.

"Will you just be still and leave!" demanded Hiro.

Kenta blinked and then he sighed. He went to his brother and shot him a glare of his own. They rarely had fights like this, and whenever Hiro was angry, Kenta just let it go, but he wasn't in any mood to want to put up with his brother's attitude right now either.

"Will you just calm down for a minute and please tell me what the heck your problem is now? Because if you won't, at least take your anger out somewhere else. Or are you forgetting that we are currently in someone else's home?" Kenta stated with a serious tone.

Hiro was slightly fazed by his brother's sudden anger and seriousness. Usually, Kenta just went with the flow, and this was definitely a new thing for him to see. Hiro sighed and replied "This doesn't concern you."

"Doesn't it?" asked Kenta. "Looks like it concerns quite a lot of people. Look at you, your rampaging like a maniac in someone else's home! So don't tell me that it doesn't concern me." Stated Kenta.

Hiro walked to the other side of the room and leaned on the wall with arms crossed. "We have to do something. If you want to be involved with me that badly then fine, but you have to help me."

"With what?" asked Kenta, and he knew this was not just a simple request.

"We need to get rid of the problem. And we have to do it quickly." Said Hiro with a grimace on his face "Or I'll never have her."

"Have her? Get rid of who?" Kenta asked until, in a matter of minutes, the whole thing suddenly began to piece themselves together and he sighed. "If this is about Ikuto-san and Amu-san again…"

He didn't get finish when he heard and saw his brother slam his fists to the wall "Of course its about them! Who else do we have to get rid of?"

"Are you insane? Have you just lost it?" asked Kenta incredulously.

"I assure you that I am quite sane." Said Hiro.

"Nii-san, don't even go there, please. I do not want anything to do with you wanting to just get your revenge on someone who hasn't even harmed you in any way." Said Kenta. Surely his brother was joking, getting rid of the prince?

Hiro looked at his brother and replied in a serious and cold tone "She's being taken away from me by that useless prince. Of course, this means that he is in the way. I must do something, or I'll lose her to him completely."

"Have you completely forgotten why we're here in the first place? We were invited to their wedding nii-san, the wedding! They are to be wed!" said Kenta.

"Hmp, that's some talk Kenta." Stated Hiro as he looked at his brother with cold eyes "Pray tell, why that information didn't stop you from interfering with Utau and Souma's relationship? If I remember correctly, they too are to be wed."

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